
Wizards are magic users born with the ability to learn other people's spells after they awaken.[1] The same term is used irrespective of gender.[2]

They may or may not also have spells of their own.[3] There is a rare type of wizard who do not get spells in the first place.[4] (Almost certainly called Seer)

The process of learning spell is really simple: they just have to see it (possibly multiple times), but don't need to make any extra effort. It may be possible to learn some spell without trying for them.[3]

Being wizard, similarly as (born) magic affinities, is caused by having the right ancestors.[5] While it wasn't confirmed being caused by genes, it either is or it behaves similarly.

When both parents are wizards, kids should be wizards as well.[6]

Known Wizards

Verres Wizard note

EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-05-25 implies that both Noriko Verres and Edward Verres are wizards, but it took until EGS Main Story Comic for 2017-07-14 when we finally got confirmation.

