
Wizards are magic users who are born that way. By definition, wizards have the ability to learn other people's spells after they awaken.[1]

They may or may not also have spells of their own.[2]

The process of learning spell is really simple: they just have to see it (possibly multiple times), but don't need to make any extra effort. It may be possible to learn some spell without trying for them.[2]

Known Wizards


  1. EGS Main Story Comic for 2008-11-26 ("Last minute notes are always on the test")
  2. 2.0 2.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-11
  3. EGS Main Story Comic for 2008-05-30 ("Risen Reaper")
  4. EGS Main Story Comic for 2009-07-04 ("If You Make a Cloud of Crows, You Just Might be Goth")
  5. EGS Main Story Comic for 2009-12-12 ("A Visitor For Raven")
  6. EGS Main Story Comic for 2010-08-13