
The characters are listed by latest appearance. If their latest appearances are the same they are ranked by second latest appearances, if those are the same too they are listed by third latest appearances and so on. This list is inspired by the option to sort Ookii's list by last appearance Compare Character Appearances.

  1. Grace: 2021-06-11, 2021-06-07, 2021-05-27
  2. Rhoda: 2021-06-11, 2021-06-07, 2021-05-19
  3. Catalina: 2021-06-11, 2021-06-07, 2021-05-03
  4. Justin: 2021-06-11, 2021-06-07, 2021-03-04
  5. Edward Verres: 2021-06-11, 2021-05-27
  6. Elliot: 2021-06-11, 2021-05-21
  7. Fox: 2021-06-11, 2021-04-05
  8. Ashley: 2021-06-11, 2021-03-08
  9. Sarah: 2021-06-11, 2021-03-04
  10. Luke: 2021-06-11, 2020-05-13
  11. Agent Knight: 2021-06-07, 2021-06-04, 2021-06-02, 2021-04-14
  12. Agent Bishop: 2021-06-07, 2021-06-04, 2021-06-02
  13. Arthur: 2021-06-07, 2021-04-16, 2021-03-12, 2020-07-01
  14. Sybil: 2021-06-07, 2021-04-16, 2021-03-12, 2018-06-11
  15. Susan: 2021-06-07, 2021-04-07, 2021-03-08
  16. Diane: 2021-06-07, 2021-03-08, 2021-03-01
  17. Agent Cranium: 2021-06-07, 2013-09-17
  18. Agent Wolf: 2021-06-07, 2013-08-23
  19. The emissary of magic: 2021-05-24
  20. The will of magic: 2021-05-07
  21. Tedd: 2021-04-30, 2021-04-28
  22. Dr. Germahn: 2021-04-30, 2020-07-01
  23. Amanda: 2021-04-30, 2019-04-15
  24. Nanase: 2021-04-09
  25. Ellen: 2021-04-07, 2021-03-01
  26. Jay: 2021-03-12
  27. Jeremy: 2021-03-01
  28. Adrian Raven: 2021-01-27
  29. Zeus: 2021-01-20
  30. Pandora: 2020-12-30
  31. Larry: 2020-12-28, 2018-12-24, 2014-12-10
  32. Rich: 2020-12-28, 2018-12-24, 2014-10-17
  33. Noriko: 2020-12-04
  34. Sam: 2020-10-02
  35. Liz: 2020-07-27
  36. Camdin: 2020-05-25
  37. Rick: 2019-09-16, 2018-09-26, 2015-06-24, 2014-03-05, 2013-09-23, 2013-08-30, 2013-06-24, 2013-06-18
  38. Elijah: 2019-09-16, 2018-09-26, 2015-06-24, 2014-03-05, 2013-09-23, 2013-08-30, 2013-06-24, 2013-06-07
  39. Rhea: 2019-09-16, 2016-05-03
  40. Mr. Tensaided: 2019-09-02
  41. Lucy: 2019-08-12
  42. George: 2019-06-17
  43. Lavender: 2019-05-03
  44. Lisa: 2019-04-15
  45. Kitty: 2019-04-10
  46. Noah: 2019-04-05
  47. Dan: 2019-03-29
  48. Voltaire: 2019-03-25
  49. Helena: 2018-07-30, 2017-11-24, 2015-10-19
  50. Demetrius: 2018-07-30, 2017-11-24, 2015-10-15
  51. Kevin: 2018-07-27
  52. Charlotte: 2018-07-25
  53. Greg: 2018-07-18
  54. Mrs. Dunkel: 2018-07-16, 2018-06-18, 2017-11-03, 2013-03-13
  55. Mr. Dunkel: 2018-07-16, 2018-06-18, 2017-11-03, 2012-03-23
  56. Max: 2018-07-11
  57. Magus: 2018-06-15
  58. Urteronc: 2018-05-16
  59. Heka: 2018-05-07
  60. Terra: 2018-03-30
  61. Sirleck: 2018-03-23
  62. Van: 2018-02-28
  63. Gullet: 2018-01-08, 2018-01-05, 2018-01-01
  64. Scarf: 2018-01-08, 2018-01-05, 2017-12-13
  65. Koala vampire: 2018-01-08, 2018-01-03, 2017-12-29
  66. Little Nase: 2018-01-08, 2018-01-03, 2017-12-18
  67. Assistant director Leifeld: 2017-03-01
  68. Damien: 2016-12-29
  69. Dex: 2016-09-14, 2014-08-13
  70. Fire summons: 2016-09-14, 2016-09-12
  71. Taurcanis Draco: 2016-09-12
  72. Spider vampire: 2016-09-02
  73. Blaike Raven: 2016-07-14
  74. Carol: 2016-06-24
  75. Tara: 2016-06-22
  76. Goo: 2016-06-10
  77. Abner: 2016-04-20
  78. Andrea: 2016-04-06
  79. Good Tom: 2015-03-11
  80. Tony: 2014-02-20, 2013-10-21
  81. Ronin: 2014-02-20, 2008-08-06
  82. Cecil: 2014-02-19
  83. Bad Tom: 2014-01-23
  84. Not-Tengu: 2013-09-27, 2013-08-21
  85. French vampire: 2013-09-27, 2010-05-31
  86. Mrs. Kitsune: 2013-09-05
  87. Second Life Ellen: 2013-05-22
  88. Akiko: 2013-05-02
  89. Interdimensional whale: 2013-01-28
  90. Jim Tolkiberry: 2012-06-01, 2012-05-31
  91. Bill: 2012-06-01, 2012-05-29, 2011-08-16, 2011-07-20
  92. Duck: 2012-06-01, 2012-05-29, 2011-08-16, 2011-04-04
  93. Drake: 2012-06-01, 2010-10-15
  94. Hedge: 2012-04-05
  95. Brownie: 2012-03-23
  96. Matt Cohen: 2012-03-22
  97. The boar: 2012-02-10
  98. Ranger Simpson: 2011-11-15
  99. Gerald: 2011-09-29
  100. Second Life Tedd 2011-09-29
  101. Chika: 2011-07-29
  102. Vladia: 2011-07-27
  103. Melissa: 2011-07-18
  104. Eric: 2011-04-13
  105. Principal Verrückt: 2010-05-19, 2010-01-14
  106. Mrs. Pompoms: 2010-05-19, 2006-06-14
  107. The demonic duck: 2010-05-03
  108. T.C.: 2010-02-09
  109. Abraham: 2009-12-29
  110. Mr. Alephnull: 2009-07-24
  111. Abraham's bloodgrem: 2009-03-06
  112. Sandi: 2008-07-11
  113. Dick: 2008-06-16
  114. Mr. Pompoms: 2007-02-26, 2007-02-23, 2006-06-14
  115. Mr. Pompoms's mistress: 2007-02-26, 2007-02-23 2004-08-13
  116. Alice: 2006-10-30
  117. Minion: 2006-10-02
  118. Archie: 2006-08-31
  119. Nioi: 2006-05-08, 2006-05-05
  120. Second Life Kaoli: 2006-05-08, 2006-05-03
  121. William: 2006-03-22, 2003-10-08, 2003-10-07, 2003-10-06, 2003-09-30, 2003-09-26 ... 2003-09-08, 2003-09-03, 2003-09-02, 2003-09-01, 2003-08-28, 2003-08-27, 2003-08-26 (Last sketchbook appearance: 2006-04-02)
  122. Gillian: 2006-03-22, 2003-10-08, 2003-10-07, 2003-10-06, 2003-09-30, 2003-09-26 ... 2003-09-08, 2003-09-03, 2003-09-02, 2003-09-01, 2003-08-28, 2003-08-27, 2003-08-26 (Last sketchbook appearance: 2005-08-30)
  123. Dr. Sciuridae: 2005-05-16, 2005-05-13, 2005-05-11
  124. Guineas: 2005-05-16, 2005-05-13, 2005-05-05
  125. Commander Jaguar: 2004-06-23
  126. Mr. Guyur: 2004-04-17
  127. General Shade Tail: 2004-03-12
  128. Moperville North Science Teacher: 2002-12-14
  129. Beta Tedd: 2002-07-24
  130. Rat: 2002-06-24
  131. Matt: 2002-06-24