El Goonish Shive comics feature several universes, which often contain different versions of the same characters. Alternate versions of a character may have different in-universe names. Those that share exactly the same name have their universe's name preceding their own to differentiate them.
The universes can be divided into canon and non-canon universes: canon universes are consistently distinct from each other, interacting by exceptional connections which have not been specified yet in the comics but may be magical; while non-canon universes have more fluid interrelationships with each other and with elements from the canon universes, as suits the purposes of the gag in any particular non-canon strip. Canon and non-canon universes can also be distinguished by stylistic differences: for example fourth wall breaks are rare in canon universes but common in non-canon universes, and characters out of canon often act with a cavalier disregard for (what would be in canon) the consequences of their actions.
It has been established that each (canon) universe has at least two sides,[1] although the Main Universe is the only one about which any details or characters from the other side have been introduced so far.
Canon Universes[]
Alpha Universe[]
The Alpha universe is the universe of Lord Tedd[2] and his followers, most notably Nioi.[3] In this dimension, the original Grace Sciuridae did not die and Dr. Sciuridae did die, so the original design for Shade Tail was carried out, resulting in the creation of General Shade Tail;[4] this may mean that their Damien was killed when he attacked, assuming he was as weak as the main universe's Damien.
The Alpha universe includes humans, Uryuoms, Seyunolus and Lespuko just like main universe. Nioi and Kaoli might also represent a different species, though it has not been explicitly stated if this is the case, and what species they would be if this were true; another theory is that they are just magic using Roaisol Seyunolus.
At least some inhabitants of the Alpha Universe are able to interact with other universes: Lord Tedd (possibly under the sway of General Shade Tail) is trying to kill his alternates, while Nioi has travelled to the Main Universe trying to find ways to combat General Shade Tail's evil.
Known Residents
- Alpha Dr. Sciuridae (deceased)
Beta Universe[]
This universe has Beta Tedd[5] and Beta Ellen,[6] the latter of whom is female alternate of Elliot, since Ellen does not exist as a separate person in this universe. This universe has the ability to contact other universes, and is trying to not be destroyed by Alpha Tedd.
Known Residents
- Beta Mr. Verres (mentioned as Tedd's father, probably Mr. Verres)
Main Universe[]
The Main Universe of EGS is the universe most prominently featured in the story comics. The majority of the characters live in this dimension. It is highly similar to earth, obviously excepting the sci-fi/fantasy elements added by Dan. It is the universe that contains most of the story comics, and is where the main characters reside.
Known Residents
All main characters
All named supporting and minor characters not stated to live in another universe.
Main Universe's other half[]
Every universe is supposed to have at least two sides, but the Main Universe is only one with known characters from it. See other half of Main Universe.
Known Residents
Magus' Universe[]
This is the universe Magus is originally from.[7] This universe has much higher base magic levels, and consequently magical threats (including dragons and mermaids) are commonplace.[8] This universe has also been confirmed to contain at least one school specifically for training battle mages, which Magus and Terra both attended. Notably, Magus and Terra are this universe's versions of Elliot and Tedd, respectively.[9]
According to Magus, this universe's high magic level and consequent ready access to gender-change magic means that those who wish to pursue a career stereotypically associated with the opposite gender are expected to change their gender to match. Magus himself, for example, changed from female to male at least in part due to wishing to be a battle mage - a stereotypically male profession.[10] However, the fact that Terra was able to train as a battle mage without making any apparent attempt to hide her gender implies that this is not legally enforced or socially required.
Known Residents
Second Life Universe[]
This is the universe Ellen experienced when she had her Second Life dreams caused by "nose-beep" from Nioi.[11] It is similar to the main universe except it involved Ellen being born and growing up naturally, and had uryuoms and seyunolus openly accepted as part of the culture,[12] at least since the American Revolutionary War.[13] It is known to contain an alternate Tedd (who is shorter as a young child and taller as a teenager than the main universe Tedd),[14] as well as an alternate of Nioi's duplicate, Kaoli. In addition, it appears to contain an alternate Tony[15] (based on the "#1" shirt and the hairstyle). It is uncertain if this is a real universe or only exists in Ellen and Kaoli's soul-aging dreams. However, Nioi's message to Ellen at the conclusion of the dreams mentioned that the memories Ellen experienced were actual memories from another dimension (read: universe) where alternates of Kaoli and Ellen (or perhaps of Nioi and Elliot) existed and were friends.[16]
Known Residents
- Second Life Ellen
- Second Life Mrs. Dunkel
- Second Life Tedd
- Second Life Tony
Non-Canon Universes[]
AF04 Universe[]
This universe was created during the Blank Check for Weirdness arc and contains its characters. In it, Tess, Dark Sarah, and Elliot were going to solve a ghost haunting in the library, only for Tiffany to solve it before they could.[17] At the end of the arc, Dan made their universe permanent because the fans expressed adoration of Tiffany and Dark Sarah.[18] (Although, so far there hasn't been another story set in it yet...)
Known Residents
Dan's Universe[]
Dan's Universe contains Dan in several forms, as well as his helper, Minion. Dan has screens on which he can view the events of comics, and cameras that can point at other universes to record events there so that they appear in the comic; the bizarre events of the first II slooF lirpA strip are explained by the cameras having pointed at the wrong universe.[22] Dan's lair has buttons that can be pressed to create transormations and suchlike magical effects in his own and other universes, with effects on the characters' awarenesses and memories amounting to retroactive continuity, sometimes with a delay or incomplete effect to create a comic feeling of wrongness.[23][24] However, Dan also writes the comics in his universe and battles with a sinister foil known as Writer's Block.
Known Residents
Backstage / Off-Camera universe[]
This may be thought of as an extension of Dan's Universe or it may be conceived of as having some separate existence. In it, any characters may appear from canon and non-canon universes, but they are aware of Dan as the author of the comic and may interact with each other out of continuity and sometimes in cross-universe combinations.
Germahn Labs[]
For many years, the characters of Germahn Labs appeared primarily in non-canon comics, especially Q&A sessions. It was therefore felt that they existed in Dan's Universe (or perhaps backstage or in some other non-canon setting). Only one flashback gag reference gave them a toehold in Main Universe canon.
However, with the in-timeline appearance of Dr Germahn, interacting multiple times with fully canon characters as part of the main plot in 2020 and 2021 strips (and appearing one time with Amanda in a canon comic) the interpretation that Germahn Labs is part of the Main Universe is gaining strength, and the non-canon appearances of its characters may be read in a similar way to non-canon appearances of other Main Universe characters - that is, secondary to their canon existence.
Known Residents
Oblivious Universe[]
Created by the EGS:NP story arc Oblivious Wand Waving. This may or may not count as a separate universe.
Known Residents
Oblivious Elliot
Oblivious Grace
Oblivious Sarah
Oblivious Tess
II slooF lirpA Universe[]
A dimension where the events of the EGS Main Story Comic for 2003-03-18 played out in a universe where the Theater Clerk replaced Grace and Brownie could talk in the bottom panels.[25] In this dimension, Ellen is attracted to his "Claire" form.
Known Residents
II slooF lirpA Theater Clerk
II slooF lirpA Ellen
Grace-A-Monsters Universe[]
A universe that is basically Pokémon, but with all the Pokémon being Grace.
Known Residents
George, the Monster Professor.
Justin, the main character and Trainer of Gracemander. Later gets a Feathergrace, a Psygrace, a Gradabra, and probably many more Graces.
Bubbles, the main rival. George's female grandson. Trainer of a Shellgrace.
Ellen, the other rival. Trainer of a Graceasaur.
Edward, the forced tutorial guy who gives exposition.
Tensaided, a Bug-type Trainer with a Beegrace.
Charlotte, a Spooky-type Trainer with a Hypnograce and at least one Ghostly Grace.
Elliot, a Trainer shown exactly once while turned into a merman via an HM.
Team Bad Guys, a group consisting of Sarah and Diane who pretend to be criminals but are actually roleplayers. And are also a couple.
Greg, a 20-year-old Trainer who has never taught Justin, and has a Grachamp.
Nanase Craft ATCoZ Universe[]
A universe where Nanase is an archaeologist hired by Diane to obtain an artifact known as the Balance Party Scales, created by the fairy Circe. Sarah is her assistant.
Some old points[]
Dan was talking about the number of universes being infinite on Keenspot
While some of the details mentioned might no longer be canon (it's from 2004), the main points were:
- There are, for all intents and purposes, infinite universes in EGS.
- There isn't a universe for EVERY possible difference.
- Characters' theories about the rules for alternate dimensions generally won't be proven right or wrong.
- Lord Tedd would have to be truly nuts to try to off all the other Tedds, because there is an infinite number of them.
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-18
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2002-12-12
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2004-05-17
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2003-01-06
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2002-07-22
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2002-07-24
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2007-01-01
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2017-11-20
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2017-11-20
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2018-03-30
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2006-05-03
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2004-09-03
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2008-01-15
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2006-08-25
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2004-09-13 ("Second Life:Friends, Games, And The Child Who Sat Alone")
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2006-05-08
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2004-04-03 ("Blank Check For Weirdness - Part III")
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2004-04-08 ("Blank Check For Weirdness - Part V")
- ↑ EGS Sketchbook Comic for 2004-04-11 ("Tedd & Tess")
- ↑ EGS Sketchbook Comic for 2004-04-04 ("Susan & Tiffany")
- ↑ EGS Sketchbook Comic for 2004-04-25 ("Sarah & Dark Sarah")
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2003-04-02
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2003-04-02
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2003-04-03
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2003-04-01