
Susan declares that she is not ready to tell her friends how she is related to Diane.

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First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1, two panels in row 2, two panels in row 3 (total: six panels)


Susan At the risk of sounding self-important...
...I'm sure you're all eager to know how Diane and I are related, and how we managed to ascertain our shared ancestry.
Nanase and Ellen (thinking) Tell us tell us tell us...!
Susan Though I am certain I will want to share all of this with wou at some point...
I would prefer not to discuss it until I am ready to.
Diane Same here. By which, I mean that I'll talk about it when she does.
Not that I'm eager to, mind you.
Elliot Totally!
Ashley Sure!
Nanase Certainly.
Ellen Yep!
Sarah Okay.
Justin You got it.
Grace enters the basement.
Grace We're back! So how are you two related?
Susan I should have waited until everyone was down here.