
Tedd and Elliot say that Sarah doesn't need to apologize for her reactions to their gender transformations as her reactions were understandable but Sarah insists that her rections were wrong.

Characters appearing[]

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First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: three panels in row 1, three panels in row 2, three panels in row 3 (total: nine panels)


Elliot You...
Tedd ...What?
Sarah I'm sorry if I made you feel bad about being genderfluid!
Or gender casual!
Tedd I used to give you every reason to think I was only transforming for kicks while also saying all sorts of rude stuff to you.
Elliot I'm pretty sure I made up "gender casual".
Sarah That doesn't make it less valid!
And you were clearly overcompensating out of fear of rejection!
Tedd I mean, I was, but I was also a jerk a lot.
Sarah And when Elliot had to transform, I didn't...
I wasn't supportive. I didn't even stop to think you might be gender casual.
Elliot Again, pretty sure I made that up.
And your boyfriend suddenly having to turn into a girl? It had to be weird to you.
Sarah That is not an excuse!