
Nanase says that she will go on the party and hopes that she will get over her suspicious view of Ashley. Justin says that it doesn't make sense for Nanase to be suspicious of Ashley for being too good since she is friends with Grace and Elliot.

Characters appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]



First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1, two panels in row 2, three panels in row 3 (total: seven panels)


Justin So why are you and Ashley "dragon sisters"?
Ellen Because that thing in the Dewitchery Diamond that made my hair green, and Ashley a wizard, was obviously a dragon scale?
Justin Wait, what?
Ellen Anyway, Nanase! You'll go to the party?
Justin or Grace (off-panel) Dragons are real?
Nanase Of course I'll go.
Grace or Justin (off-panel) I require more information.
Nanase It should be fun, and maybe I'll even get over my knee-jerk suspicion of Ashley.
Justin How can you be suspicious of someone for being "too good"? You dated Elliot! And... and Grace! Not dated Grace (I assume), but friends with Grace!
Nanase Ashley might be more of a goody-two-shoes than either of them.
Ellen is intrigued.
Justin What?! That's impossible.
(grabs Grace's shoulders) Grace, stand up for your goody-two-shoes title.
Grace Huh? What? Sorry?
Justin I am awaiting your righteous indignation in response to Nanase saying Ashley is more of a goody-two-shoes than you.
(pointing at Grace) Presently nervous and conflicted as heck becase this takes place hours before she had intended to get Sam's phone number from the comic shop.*
* See The Secret Of Sam
Grace Yeah, she probably is...
Justin What.