Summer is the seventeenth storyline group in the main canon of EGS. It opened March 5, 2012 and ended February 1, 2013, clocking in at 151 pages long. It includes the following chapters:
- The End Of Spring: Matt Cohen asks Susan out for a date but she rejects him. Susan's friends set up their summer jobs.
- Power Fantasy: Sarah visits Tedd to help him with his magic research. Tedd tests the safety features of a magic watch on Sarah.
- Rocks Fall Nobody is Hired: Elliot goes to his job interview at Mr. Tensaided's video rental store. Tensaided hires him when Susan tells him that Elliot knows Cheerleadra.
- Nepotism: Grace goes to a job interview with Jim Tolkiberry at Salty Crackers Comics. Jim tells her that he has already decided to hire her because Justin has vouched for her, and also tells her how Justin was hired out of pity and was determined to prove than he deserves his job.
- Hair: On the same day that Sarah is visiting Tedd, Nanase visits them to test a magic watch to make her hair short but instead it briefly makes her hair grow very long. After Nanase has left, Tedd tells Sarah that he is magically impaired and that his goal is to give magic to everyone.
- By The Numbers: Elliot starts working at the video rental store and he takes his job seriously. He wants to make his own opinions about the movies and Susan invites him to watch movies with her.
- Duel Of The Discs: Mr. Tensaided challenges Justin for a Magickal Gatherings game. Thus they play Magickal Gatherings and Grace watches their game.
- There Be Whales Here: Sarah transforms into a catgirl after volunteering to help Tedd with his experiments to get over her fear of transforming.
- There Be Whales Here Pt 2: Tensaided asks Susan and Elliot to make video reviews of movies for the internet. Thus Susan and Elliot record their first internet review.
- There Be Whales Here Pt 3: Tedd communicates with a Whale, who warns Tedd about the magic energy clog and tells her that she is a dangerous rarity.
The End of Spring[]
On Friday May 24, Elliot and Sarah watched a movie set in Paris. Sarah said she had always wanted to visit Paris, but Elliot said he hates traveling and preferred to stay at home while on vacation.[1]
On Tuesday May 28 at Moperville North High School, Matt Cohen approached Susan when she was grumbling about her recent growth spurt. Susan asked him if the principal had a message for her or something. Matt awkwardly asked if she was doing anything Friday night. Susan was shocked[2] and asked in disbelief to confirm that he wanted to go out with her. Matt said he would. Susan protested that he didn't even know her. Matt admitted he didn't know her that well but said he liked what he knew so far. Susan was flustered, rambled off an excuse, stared at him for a moment then ran off hastily saying "bye!".[3]
At lunch, Sarah said that it wasn't a big deal was and that Matt seemed like a nice guy. Susan said he barely knew her but Sarah said he asked her out so he could get to know her. Susan said all he wanted was to sleep with her, as he didn't know her so his basis for asking her out was that he was attracted to her and Susan was convinced he was thinking of sex. Elliot agreed that it was somewhat weird to ask someone out without knowing them. Sarah protested that it was not weird and said asking someone out is how you got to know them and that it was not a commitment to sleeping with someone.[4]
At Moperville South High School, Grace expressed sadness at having to pause her attendance of school for the summer, in contrast to most of the rest of the students, who looked forward to being free. Grace said she liked school, would miss the people and was worried about finding a summer job as she wanted to start contributing to her family since feeding and clothing her was not free. Justin suggested applying for a job at the comic book store since the summer gaming events would require another person to man the register. Grace asked if it would be a problem that she was a woman and Justin said that her "problem" would probably double her chances of getting the job.[5]
Nanase asked Ellen if she was going to look for a summer job. Ellen said that since it was technically her first summer she hoped she wouldn't need to get a summer job because she wanted to enjoy her freedom. Nanase said her job was going to be babysitting. When Ellen asked if she was using an agency Nanase answered that her mother set it all up for her. Meanwhile, Nanase's mother promised her friend that Nanase was responsible, good with children and very smart. She also said that Nanase is a trained martial artist who could defend the children under her care from danger. When her friend chuckled Mrs. Kitsune said she was serious.[6]
Susan's Logic told Susan that Sarah was right that Matt's intentions seemed to be fairly innocent. Susan's Nurture appeared and said that after getting to know men better and seeing relationships that actually worked, she believed they overreacted. Logic asked if someone else would debate against it: Nature said she thought they broke Matt's heart. Curiosity cried aloud in regret about not knowing what might have been. Thus Logic said it was unanimous: they felt terrible and added that Susan's ego would have to deal with it now. Susan banged her head on a locker and let out a mournful sigh.[7]
Susan asked Sarah how to apologize to Matt without making it seem like she wanted to date him. Sarah was shocked when Susan told her how she reacted to Matt and Susan said that he freaked her out. Matt appeared behind her and said that was not his intention.[8] Susan apologized to Matt and said it was not him it was her, but it might be him as she just didn't know him enough. Susan said she never dated before, she doesn't like being touched, she killed a vampire (previously mentioned in the storylineHammerchlorians 2|Hammerchlorians), her parents are divorced and she has trust issues. When Matt asked about her killing a vampire Susan said it was in a really well acted role-playing game. Matt says it was OK if she didn't want to date him and he never intended to make her uncomfortable and he accepted her apology.[9]
Then Matt expressed surprise that she hadn't dated anyone.[9] When Susan confirmed this, Matt told her that she should ask herself if she really wanted to go through school without dating as she might regret it later. After he left, Susan told Sarah that she couldn't tell if he was being sincere or just trying to get her to date him. Sarah said he was a sweetie.[10] Susan said that Sarah didn't know if he was a sweetie and Sarah said Susan didn't know if he was whatever she thought he was. Susan said she didn't know what she thought Matt was. Sarah suggested giving him the benefit of the doubt but Susan said that was not her policy. Matt's friend asked him if he was rejected again and Matt said he was not cool enough for Susan. His friend asked him why he turned and made that last ditch effort, but Matt said he was just telling Susan she should go on a date before she left school. His friend confirmed he was not cool enough for Susan.[11]
That evening, The Dunkels discussed summer plans for their two children. Since it was Ellen's first summer she was allowed to be free as long as she was active. Elliot, on the other hand, was told to get a job.[12] Later Ellen asked if Elliot was upset with her summer freedom, but Elliot says it made sense and she technically has more job experience then he does. Ellen told him about working in a clothing store and serving uryuoms while Elliot told her that he did not want to work at a grocery again. Thinking about the grocery store while turning into a girl caused Elliot to transform his shirt into an apron. As Elliot tried to untie the apron knot, he says that whatever job he got couldn't be worse than what Sarah had gotten herself into.[13]
Earlier that day, Sarah asked Tedd if he needed a lab assistant for the summer.[13] Tedd thought about what it would be like to have Sarah as his lab assistant, first with Sarah and Grace sparsely clothed and him as a playboy with a wineglass, then he corrected it to Sarah fully clothed, Tedd as a sparsely clothed woman with a test tube and Grace in bikini, and all with protective lab goggles. Sarah said she wanted to help out with experiments, learn how things work and maybe be a test subject for safe non-creepy experiments. Tedd said he could use the help but when he asked why she wanted the job, Sarah explained that she wanted magic. Tedd said he could only pay with unimaginable power, to which Sarah gladly agreed.[14]
Next morning (Wednesday, May 29), Susan thought about Matt's advice. She thought there was no reason for her to date anyone, given that her romantic interests are more platonic than physical intimacy and she had only thought about dating people who were sexually incompatible with her. Just as she asked herself who she was compatible with, Elliot popped up to ask if the rental video store where she works was hiring.[15]
Power Fantasy[]
Sarah dreamed about a giant Hedge monster rampaging in the city.[16] She then turned into a black-belt wizard and smiled.[17] She flew and used her magic to turn the giant Hedge monster into a small Hedge kitty.[18] Sarah laughed. When she woke up she said that it was a cool dream.[19]
On June 7[20] Sarah arrived at Tedd's house and rang the door bell; Tedd answered in a Grace form.[21] Tedd apologized for his "Graceness" and said that he was still working out problems. Tedd told Sarah that Nanase would visit them to work on the mystery of her hair.[22]
Tedd asked Sarah to put on a watch to test something and that she needed to be clueless for the test.[22] Tedd assured her that it was safe. Sarah thought that the watch might turn her into a cat girl or control her mind. Tedd said that the cluelessness was important and that he would reward her with leverage.[23] When Sarah asked what he meant Tedd explained that he knew Sarah did not trust him so he gave her something that would give her leverage over him but she had trust him first. Sarah pushed the button on the watch.[24] Nothing happened and Tedd declared it a success. Sarah asked if the button messed with her memories and if she was supposed to be a woman. Tedd said the button didn't do anything and she had to power it with her own magic. Sarah pressed the button and nothing happened. Tedd declared it a success again.[25] He explained that the watch would cause her hair to increase in length for half an hour. Sarah pressed the button and again nothing happened. Tedd told her to press and hold the button while thinking "longer hair" three times then releasing. Sarah stared at him and Tedd assured he was doing this for a reason. Sarah followed his instructions and her hair increased in length.[26]
Sarah asked to look in a mirror. While she was posing, Tedd told her that the watches are designed to only work if you know exactly how to operate them. Sarah asked if the watch was her leverage and Tedd said that he would give her a watch with clone forms of him.[27] Sarah asked what Tedd meant and Tedd explained that Sarah could turn into him and publicly humiliate him. Sarah said that was horrible and Tedd said that he wanted her to have the option.[28] Sarah said that he didn't have to do this, but Tedd insisted as he wanted to prove that he was not just bluffing. Sarah said she would never use it.[29]
Tedd's answer was interrupted by his phone beeping. Tedd revealed he has been Grace for fifteen hours even though the watch is only supposed to work for half an hour.[30] Tedd assured Sarah that the hair growth would not last fifteen hours unless she wanted it to. Tedd explained that while he was doing experiments with Elliot he realized that the transformation would last as long as he told him it would, regardless of magic resistance, and when he didn't tell him anything the spells lasted a little over half the time they were designed to last. Tedd changed back to his normal form.[31] Tedd left to take notes. Sarah looked in the mirror and thought that Tedd had done more than she expected and she hoped that she would become a wizard.[20]
Rocks Fall Nobody is Hired[]
At home, Elliot transformed into Cheerleadra and the disguise forms in order to use up magic to prepare for his interview at the video shop.[32] At the video shop Elliot thanked Susan for getting him an interview and Susan told him that she could not guarantee he would be hired. Elliot asked for tips and Susan told him not to lie about his knowledge of movies and video games because Mr. Tensaided is a huge nerd and would test him.[33]
Tensaided appeared and welcomed Elliot with a Matrix quote but Elliot did not get it. He asked about Elliot's previous working experience and Elliot, remembering bad times, said he could not go back.[34] Tensaided asked Elliot if he enjoyed movies and Elliot said he watched at least one a week. When Tensaided said that going to the theater that often must be expensive Elliot explained that he watches them at home and is usually last to see new movies. Tensaided asked about video games and Elliot said that he plays at a friend's house. Elliot said that he watches a little TV with his friends and Tensaided called him an extrovert. Tensaided asked if he roleplays - Elliot misunderstood the sense of roleplaying intended.[35]
Susan saw that Elliot was in trouble and asked to talk to Tensaided. She asked what he thought and Tensaided called him a condemned building inadequate for their sales needs, paraphrasing Ghostbusters.[36] Susan tried to convince Tensaided to hire Elliot but Tensaided said Elliot did not know enough about movies to service the customers properly. Susan told him that Elliot knows Cheerleadra and hiring him was the best chance he would get of meeting her. Tensaided got a joyous face[37] and hired Elliot without speaking.[38]
Susan told Elliot that she told Tensaided about Cheerleadra. Elliot was angry since this could make Tensaided suspect every girl he talked to, especially his sister. Susan said she called Elliot Lois Lane to Cheerleadra's Superman so Tensaided should not suspect relatives but Elliot said it would still make Tensaided suspicious of people who have secrets of their own. Susan said that she wanted to help him get hired and Elliot reluctantly agreed that he was not going to get hired.[39] Susan suggested that he not take the job but the memory of the supermarket kept him from leaving.[40]
Elliot said that he had to make sure that Tensaided would meet Cheerleadra, confirming that Susan did not lie to him and keeping him from getting his hopes up for nothing. Susan was surprised that Elliot worried about Tensaided but Elliot said that not showing Tensaided Cheerleadra would be like lying to a child about getting a puppy for them. Susan said that his plan made sense. However, when Elliot said that Grace or Tedd would pose as Elliot, Susan said that this was unnecessarily wacky.[40] Susan told him to wait until Tensaided got too overt with questions then "tell" Cheerleadra about it in order to have a few weeks to prepare. Elliot agreed that Susan's plan is better. Tensaided appeared asking if Elliot likes superheroes. Susan said that she would have a plan by Monday.[41]
On June 6, Grace asked Tedd what to wear to her job interview. He told that she should wear normal clothing since the interviewer would probably want a business attitude with a casual appearance. Grace suggested that a tie for business and a baseball cap for casual would work and said that she would like to wear her uryuom outfit since they look comic book-esque. Tedd thought about it and using all his willpower said that would be a bad idea.[42]
On June 7 at the store, George asked Justin if he was getting his uncle to hire one of his harem girls. Justin said that that his uncle would interview one of his friends, basically confirming but objecting to calling his friends a harem. George said he wished it was Susan because she can counter his guff. Justin said that Nanase can too, but George replied that she ignores the guff and guff requires rebuff. Grace arrived and said that she was a little nervous but Justin assured her that she would do fine. George said that she could not take his gruff.[43] Justin introduced George to Grace and said her first task was to not strangle him. Jim Tolkiberry arrived and commented that they were already influencing girls to hit George and George said he was preparing her for the bloodlust. Jim introduced himself as the owner of the Salty Crackers franchise and Grace inadvertently commented on his mustache. He invited her into the back room.[44]
In back room, Jim said that this would be different from a regular interview since Justin's recommendation was almost good enough for him. So, instead of evaluating her he would be asking if she was going to accept the job.[45] Jim explained that when Justin was going through a hard time (he was bullied after he was outed as gay, as revealed during Grace's Birthday Party), his parents thought working in a comic shop would be ideal for him, so Jim hired him without hesitation. Justin resented being hired since he had not earned the position so he set out to prove to everyone that he could earn his place. Jim explained that Grace had the job if she wanted it because Justin put his faith in her. He asked her to turn down the job if she didn't plan to take it seriously.[46] Grace said she wanted to earn money to repay the kindness she had been given and would not be there if she didn't want to take the job seriously. Grace declared with excessive melodrama that she would do a good job. Grace asked for confirmation she got the job and Jim said it was hers if she wanted it.[47]
Grace ran to Justin and hugged him saying she got the job. George said to Jim that she seemed too perky, but Jim said she makes up for it in strangeness. George asked if Jim warned her about the male customers and Jim said that warning her would insult her intelligence since she would be used to that kind of thing. Grace's nonplussedness at the attentions of Duck, Drake and Bill suggested that she was not, but Jim revised his assessment to say that she would get used to it.[48]
Still on June 7, just moment after end of Power Fantasy story line, Tedd asked Sarah if she was OK with spending time with Nanase, as Nanase had been Elliot's girlfriend (in the storyline Relations). Sarah said Nanase had moved on and was also a lesbian so she didn't see a problem. Tedd said he was thinking more about territorial instinct and Sarah said she wasn't the jealous type. Tedd asked why she was so mad at Elliot for giving Sarah's sister Carol a kiss in the cheek while under personality bending magic (in New And Old Flames); Sarah muttered that Elliot finds her sister attractive, before saying she was over the kiss.[49]
Nanase rang the doorbell and Sarah went upstairs to answer it, telling Tedd that she has been looking forward to seeing her again. Sarah tried to convince herself that she was fine with Nanase but remembered that Nanase used to make out with and kiss Elliot. She told herself that she has no reason to be jealous of Nanase now. When she opened the door and saw Nanase in running kit that showed off her toned physique, she realized that perhaps she did feel some reason to be jealous.[50] Sarah was surprised that Nanase had walked, while Nanase made light of the two-mile jog; Sarah thought shamefacedly of herself and Tedd struggling to run one mile in gym class. Nanase asked how Sarah liked being an assistant and Sarah said it was OK and all they had done was make her hair longer.[51]
Sarah and Nanase went downstairs and Tedd commented on Nanase's hair growth. Tedd said he might have a good reason for Nanase not to cut her hair since he had an alternative idea. Nanase said that she would prefer haircuts to the transformation gun. Sarah asked him why Nanase's hair was growing fast and Tedd said he needed to get his lab coat to answer.[52] Tedd explained that magic impacts people's physiology and that this might explain why, despite being otherwise lean, Nanase has larger than average breasts. Tedd was a little embarrassed to mention this and anxious to stress that he was being scientific, but Nanase was excited that she had magic boobs; Sarah wished she had magic.[53]
Tedd said that no body part is more susceptible to magic than hair so, instead of building up, Nanase's excess magic is being used to grow hair. Tedd asked if Nanase had a spell involving hair. Nanase told him that, before burning out, she had just got one that could manipulate length, colour and style; Sarah hugged her for her loss.[54] Nanase asked if there was any way to speed up getting her magic back and Tedd said no but he hopefully had a way to keep her hair short. Tedd gave her a watch and Nanase immediately guessed, to Tedd's disappointment, that it was a magic watch to shorten hair. Sarah asked if he had been going to make Nanase go through all the steps she had, and Tedd said the data he had was statistically insignificant. He gave Nanase the watch and told her it was like a magic wand and how to use it. Nanase asked him how he had made a magic watch and Tedd said simply 'because science' and that he was done explaining.[55] Nanase took off her hairband and said she was ready to try. Sarah thought about the watch making Nanase fat but chastised herself for thinking that way.[56]
When Nanase turned on the watch her hair began to grow.[56] Tedd theorized that when Nanase used the watch her magic made her hair grow rather than casting the watch spell. Nanase asked how to stop it and Tedd said it should stop soon, but Nanase's hair continued growing.[57] Sarah suggested taking the watch off; Tedd said it should not matter but Nanase took it off. As the hair kept growing Nanase told Tedd to go get a razor and asked Sarah to shave Nanase's head before the hair got heavy enough to hurt her neck. Sarah said she would.[58]
When Sarah started to shave Nanase's head, Justin (who was apparently in the comic shop) screamed but he did not know why. Nanase's hair stopped growing just when Sarah finished.[59] Sarah and Tedd apologized but Nanase told them that they shouldn't since Sarah did what she told her to do and Tedd was trying to help. Nanase asks what they should do with the hair but there was a bright flash of light[60] and most of the hair vanished while Nanase's and Sarah's hair grew.[61]
Nanase asked why Tedd's hair did not grow.[61] Tedd wondered why he was not affected and Nanase suggested he might have resisted it. Tedd said that Sarah should have been the one who resisted it since, compared to Nanase with her magic burnout and himself, Sarah should have been the local champion of spell resistance. Nanase asked what Tedd's thing was and Tedd said his thing is his business and Sarah snickered.[62] Tedd said they should be focusing on what they should do. Nanase asked how permanent the hair growth was and Tedd said it was entirely permanent. Nanase asked how he knew and Tedd said he could sense it thanks to working with magic so long. They looked at the remaining cut hair on the floor and Tedd concluded that only the new hair disappeared. When Tedd said that Sarah needed a hair cut Sarah suggested a hair zapping since hair cuts cost money.[63]
A bit later after Nanase left, Sarah said she was jealous of Nanase and mentioned imagined her becoming fat. Tedd said that would be funny but that it would be impossible for the watches to fail in this way. Sarah noted that when something did go wrong, Nanase took it in stride while Sarah would have slapped Tedd silly. Tedd said that Sarah was one of the nicest people he knew.[64] He said that he himself was jealous of Nanase sometimes but noted that Nanase had earned everything she had. Tedd said he couldn't complain since he was spoiled rotten with technology.[65]
Sarah said that if Tedd's dad was any indication Tedd would have magic potential and Tedd said that he didn't since he was magically impaired.[65] Tedd explained that his reaction to the magic detecting wand (as shown in Sister II) was a conditioned response from when he was a baby and his parents tried to figure out why he had zero magic potential. Sarah asked why Tedd said that things didn't add up and Tedd explained that he could resist enchantments after they are cast on him but was not supposed to resist the spells that put them there. Sarah suggested that his parents might be wrong and Tedd said that the thought of his parents being wrong gave him angst.[66]
Tedd said that that was enough science for the day and Sarah should get a haircut before going home. Sarah wanted to use the magic watch; Tedd pointed out that it went haywire but Sarah reminded him that his theory was actually that the watch was fine and that they should test this.[67] As Tedd and Sarah looked for the watch, Tedd remarked that he was surprised Sarah wanted to use the zappy solution and Sarah said she had been fascinated by transformation since watching The Sword in the Stone. Tedd said he ruined it for her when he accidentally turned her into a catgirl, but Sarah said she was only utterly terrified until Grace's birthday party. Sarah found the watch[68] and Tedd insisted on testing it on himself first. Sarah said she was willing to test it on herself but Tedd said he didn't trust the watch and would be testing it under quarantine. When Tedd came out Sarah was surprised to see what he looks like with short hair[69] and commented that he really looked like Nanase.[70]
Tedd returned his hair to normal and Sarah said she appreciated the gesture but what had made the catgirl incident so horrible was that it done without her permission. Also that was a surprise, she could only say meow and it couldn't be undone right away. Sarah said she volunteered for experimentation and was not going to flip out if something went wrong. but Tedd said that he was more worried about ruining something Sarah finds awesome. Sarah said as long as he was not sneaky, was careful and kept her informed she would be fine.[70] Sarah put the watch on and got her short hair back.[71]
Sarah said she understands why Tedd is absorbed with magic tech since he is sticking it to whatever is stopping him from getting magic. Tedd said that he actually wanted to change the world by giving everybody enough spell resistance so that magic could become well known.[71] That made Sarah impressed. Tedd suggested that they play video games. Sarah asked why Tedd could use watches if he had zero magic potential and Tedd answered that he had a little magic, just not enough for spells.[72]
Many years ago, Noriko, Tedd's mother, repeatedly checked Tedd's magic level with magic analysis wand hoping it would change. Adrian Raven told her to stop scaring the child since it would not change. Noriko said that Tedd's bloodlines, hers and Edward's, should give him magic but Adrian told her that heredity and magic were not straightforward, Noriko said it always had been for her family and she didn't know what to do. Adrian told her that Tedd might not be her apprentice but he would always be her son.[73]
By the Numbers[]
On June 11 Tensaided told Elliot that, since he was a cinematic dullard, he had to learn to give critic approval ratings to customers who asked him for his opinions about movies. Elliot tried it out with Dragonliver and found a rating of 45% and Tensaided was mad that a movie with a Scottish dragon got such a low review but told Elliot is it a port in a storm so he had to use it.[74] Elliot told Susan that he was not feeling motivated beyond doing a good job. Susan told him that by helping people rent wisely he would protect the very core of their well-being as renting a movie is about rebuilding one's self after spending their weeks hard at work while putting up with all the frustrations of the world. Elliot was amazed and said he was going to do the best job he could. Tensaided commented that Elliot was like a misguided henchman for a charismatic super villain and Susan called dibs.[75]
Elliot spent the night making recommendations to customers while wearing sunglasses.[76] When Catalina visited the store Susan asked if she wanted to see a movie about robots but Catalina told her she was already going with someone else. When Susan asked who Catalina blushed. Susan realized that Catalina was going on a date. Catalina told her to be quiet.[77] She shouted out loud that she is gay to prove that she wasn't in the closet, but said that her new girlfriend wanted to keep it secret from a friend. Catalina tried to stop telling secrets but accidentally let it slip that it was the girl she helped save.[78] Susan was happy that Catalina had a date but realized that she would become a backup for when her girlfriend is busy and a third wheel if they three would hang out together, just like with Sarah. Elliot came to ask her a question but Susan stared at him until he went away.[79]
On June 13, Susan called Sarah to ask her if she wanted to go to the movies with her on Saturday. Sarah told her that she had lab stuff with Tedd. Susan was surprised that Sarah was still working with him, but Sarah said that it was pretty cool. They tried to set up a time to go to the movie but were unable to come up with a time that suited both of them.[80]
On June 14, Elliot helped a customer rent a movie. Elliot checked the online reviews and discovered a rating of 4%.[81] Elliot tried to dissuade the customer from renting the movie but the customer called the critics film snobs who didn't like a comedy movie with a guy in drag and threatened to complain to the manager. After he left Elliot said the customer was doomed and Susan called him an ass.[82]
Susan told Elliot that the customer was correct that he was not supposed to give opinions unless asked. She said that unless he was asked he had to assume that the customer knew what they were doing and he might actually enjoy it. Susan asked why Elliot cared so much and he told her that he cares what happens to people. Susan said that mentality would make him risk his life to save an enemy. Elliot told Susan that she that she would act like that too though she would do it with a grumpy face.[83] Two hours later, Susan was still angry that Elliot said she was grumpy when the customer returned. The customer was shocked that the movie was so bad and didn't even want to rent another.[84] Susan, who remembered what she had said about the importance of helping customers choose wisely, reassured Elliot that the customer would be fine.[85] Elliot told her he knew that it is not a big deal if people see a bad movie, but it does suck to waste a night on one.[86]
Susan said that the numbers are usually enough but Elliot wanted to form his own opinions by watching more movies but didn't know where to begin. Susan invited him to watch some movies at her house.[86] Elliot wanted to invite Sarah but Susan told him that she had lab assistant plans with Tedd. With Sarah and Tedd gone, and Ellen on a date with Nanase it would be just the two of them. Elliot wondered why he and Susan had the same work schedule. Susan thought back to Tensaided telling her that she had to babysit him, but didn't tell Elliot. Susan inwardly cheered but didn't show anything when Elliot agreed to watch movies with her.[87]
Duel of the Discs[]
In the late afternoon of June 14, Grace and Justin were talking about the upcoming card tournaments.[88] Justin asked Grace if she knew about magickal cards and Grace said that she did but that she did not understand why you drew power from lands cards that you play. Justin explained what her job would be and the difference between sealed and modern tournaments: sealed tournaments are made from unopened packs from scratch while modern tournaments are the players' own decks from recent sets.[89]
Mr. Tensaided said that they are both inferior to the olde school format[89] as the modern format restricted people to cards that have been printed in the past two years and sealed format always used the most recent set which missed cool older sets. Justin said that modern and sealed format kept deck building fresh and that using only the most recent set kept entry fees for sealed format below triple digits. Tensaided said that olde school was the best because all cards could be used and awesome combos were fun and balanced each other out. When he asked Grace for her opinion she said that she zoned out and didn't understand what they were talking about.[90]
Some time later, Grace was amazed by the number of people who had come and Justin said some would leave when they realized they couldn't win any packs. He asks Grace what movies they should put on as they played muted movies to give people something to watch on the televisions. He suggested that they showed the Star Wars prequels and Grace said that she hadn't seen any of the Star Wars movies,[91] surprising not just Justin but the whole room. Grace reminded Justin that her upbringing was different from his.[92]
Justin told her that she had to see them as they were a huge part of culture and society. He called Tedd to ask if he had the non-special edition, but Tedd only had the special editions.[92] Jimmy explained the history of the special editions to Grace, and Justin said that there are things about the special editions that would keep her from enjoying it.[93] As Justin didn't have the originals either he wanted to rent them but Tensaided says that no rental shop has them but he does. He challenged Justin for an olde school magickal card duel to borrow the laser disc editions. Justin said he only has a modern deck and Tensaided quoted the "pray I don't alter [the deal] further" line from The Empire Strikes Back, (there are more quotes from Star Wars in the arc) which confused Grace. Justin accepted the challenge.[94]
At night, after the tournaments ended and the store closed, Justin and Tensaided sat down for their duel. Grace imagined it as a real magical duel.[95] Justin summoned a tree and an energy bird while Tensaided summoned a mountain and a goblin that attacked Justin for two points.[96] Justin played another tree and used the spell power growth to gain another tree and then summoned an elvish gardener. Tensaided drew and said he didn't have any land to summon but didn't need it.[97] Tensaided repeatedly sacrificed monsters with the spell fiery sacrifice to summon a gargantuan cannon.[98] Tensaided sacrificed a life flower to gain enough energy to launch a Literary dragon at Justin, who had the energy bird use scurry.[99] The dragon hit Justin for seven damage but thanks to scurry Justin's monsters remained unharmed.[100] Justin summoned a stompalope.[101] Justin and Tensaided argued the worth of the stompalope until Grace became bored and started talking to the Elvish Gardener.[102] Tensaided launched a Skreevos at Justin[103] and it hit Justin, lowering him down to 1 health point. Grace asked if he was OK as she imagined it landing on him.[104]
Grace told Justin that he didn't have to win as the movies are not important. Justin said that everyone knows Star Wars, the nostalgia binds them together and he did not want Grace's experience ruined by the special edition movies. Grace said that the CGI would not matter because she would still watch them with Justin. Tensaided said that speech was beautiful.[105] Tensaided assured Grace that he would loan her the movies either way and he just wanted to beat Justin in a card game. Justin said he was not done yet. Tensaided suggested Justin use the Machete order to watch Star Wars and Justin said that might be a good thing for Grace, which confused her. Justin then said he would finish the game despite how bad it looked, drew his last card and laughed.[106] He played unstoppable stampede, raising the attack power of all of this monsters by 8/8.[107] The Stompalope and Energy Bird attacked and defeated Tensaided.[108]
Tensaided admitted that no matter how powerful a deck is, luck is always an element. He said that he was impressed by Grace's roleplaying, as she had cried out when Justin took a bad hit. Tensaided said that the geek is strong with her, though she had a sheltered upbringing. He invited her to play a rogue in his new RPG campaign. Grace said she didn't know what he meant.[109]
Days later Grace and Justin watched Star Wars. Grace said that the empire was run by crazy people as they keep killing their only leads in their search. She was confused by Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba picking a fight with Luke Skywalker completely unprovoked. After Ponda Baba's arm was cut off Grace was confused about whose arm it was.[110]
There Be Whales Here[]
When Tedd was sitting in the basement he started to suspect someone was there with him. He looked around, but didn't find anyone, while the angle of panels suggested that the comic was shown from the point of view of that invisible watcher.[111]
On Saturday, June 15, Grace and Sarah were sitting in the basement, Grace apparently there as support for Sarah. Grace talked about why she looked human: clothes on top of fur are redundant, especially in summer, human furniture isn't made with tails in mind and antennae come with extra senses that she likes to turn off sometimes. Then Tedd brought watches for Sarah.[112] She remembered how earlier (on the 12th) she had volunteered for experiments on clothing morphs including morphs with furry forms, in order to program them to the TF gun, as watches didn't work on Grace.[113] Tedd wanted Elliot there, but Sarah took it as opportunity to get over that cat morph accident and wanted Grace there for support instead of Elliot.[114]
Back on Saturday, Sarah hesitated before activating the watch.[114] When she finally pressed the button she morphed into a catgirl, She meowed, which prompted Grace to ask if she was ok. Sarah replied that she was, although she had hoped to sound more badass.[115] Tedd quickly moved to the computer and started making notes. Grace explained that he needed to make the notes quickly as he couldn't record what he saw when he watched magic. Sarah went to look in a mirror. Grace again asked if she was ok and Sarah replied that she would be nervous if she couldn't change back. Then she started to panic and quickly undid the transformation,[116] then transformed again. Grace started to ask again, worrying how she was really feeling, and Sarah explained that she actually had mixed feelings: it was both cool and fun and weird and scary. She also mentioned that clothing on top of fur doesn't feel right, confirming what Grace said earlier.[117]
When Tedd finished entering his data to the computer, he again had the feeling that someone was observing him. He started looking around, and then Sarah startled him. He asked her and Grace if they sometimes get the feeling they were being watched. Tedd said that it couldn't anyone spying on them, as he wouldn't be able to notice anything that could get around the defenses his dad set up.[118]
Sarah then asked how furry she needed to be. Tedd explained that ears and tail would need some fur so they don't look freaky, but that they don't even need to be cat-related, as he could program just about any form imaginable. Sarah seemed to immediately start thinking about some ideas...[119]
Meanwhile Susan and Elliot were at Susan's house. They had just watched Citizen Kane. Susan handed Elliot popcorn - one bowl for him and one for her, with chopsticks, because it's "less messy".[120] She needed to show Elliot how to hold the chopsticks correctly, and went wash her hands afterwards (demonstrating her obsession with cleanliness again).[121]
Back in the lab Sarah and Grace talked about transformations changing size: Grace mentioned that the limits were 80% and 126% of normal size. Grace asked Sarah why she didn't want Elliot there.[122] Sarah answered that Elliot, because of his own transformation baggage, might be offended by her being excited or nervous about transforming (like Ellen was during Grace's Birthday Party[123]) and that she didn't want to call Elliot because she was waiting for him to call her, as it annoyed her that Elliot never took initiative in their relationship.[124] Grace compared what Sarah wanted Elliot to be to Ellen, which surprised Sarah as she hadn't realized that Ellen is different from Elliot. Grace wondered if Ellen's greater spontaneity, along with the spontaneity Nanase got after her near-death experience (in battle with Abraham in Sister II[125][126]), would have any impact on what they did together. Meanwhile, Ellen and Nanase decided to investigate a theft from a jewelry store, starting their Meddling Teenagers career.[127]
Back in the lab Tedd finished preparing the watch with a modified "non-furry cat form". He mentioned that the new transformation would cancel the old one, which prompted Grace to ask why Sarah's hair was longer even without the cat form. Sarah explained that the hair length she had arrived with was the result of another watch and realized that she didn't have those watches with her ... but Tedd had expected that and had loaded the short-hair morph into the TF gun.[128]
There Be Whales Here Pt 2[]
On Monday, June 17, Elliot and Susan talked at the Video Rental Store (presumably while working) about various movies they had previously watched. Other people in the store paid attention and rented those movies to see what they were talking about. Mr. Tensaided noticed[129][130] and, on June 19[131] offered to let them rent new movies for free, then clarifying that they should do video reviews with the same kind of talk they were doing in the store and put it on website.[132] Susan didn't like the idea of performing before an audience, but accepted a trial run.[133]
Susan decided that they should consult with Tedd and Sarah, as they mentioned watching such reviews. Elliot complained that he doesn't like phones. When Elliot mentioned that he didn't remember when he last talked with either his best friend nor his girlfriend, Susan used her "higher level clerk" authority to order him to call her.[134] He called and Sarah picked up in Tedd's lab ... while apparently shrunk by a size changing spell. They agreed to hang out together next day.[135] When Susan told Tensaided he was surprised that Susan wasn't Elliot's girlfriend.[136]
Next day (June 20) Tedd was searching the basement in catgirl form, possibly hoping that cat senses would help her find out the unknown spy. She was interrupted (and startled) by the doorbell.[137] She quickly ran to zap herself to normal but noticed that she was already back to normal. This surprised her, as the morph should have lasted at least another forty minutes. She began to realize she might have disenchanted herself[138]
Several minutes later, Elliot, Sarah and Tedd talked about shrinking.[139] Sarah asked if Elliot was upset with her having fun transforming but Elliot said that he was happy for her. Sarah and Elliot ended their discussion with a hug and Susan was unsure how she felt about that.[140] Then Elliot proposed a date and Sarah told him that he should choose where they would go but Elliot couldn't decide.[141] While Elliot was thinking about it Sarah and Tedd talked about what Susan should name herself, suggesting "the grumpy" something. Susan aggressively replied that they didn't need aliases and grumpily added that she's not grumpy.[142]
After watching the reviews Tedd prepared, they commented about lot of stuff those reviews have in common ... and agreed that they wouldn't have any of that.[143]
Next scene is short example of Ellen and Nanase as Meddling Teenagers: The Mall Goblin appeared, trying to scare them, but they immediately started chasing him.[144]
Just before making the review, Elliot transformed to make sure he wouldn't need to transform while recording. He unintentionally ended about half head higher and commented that picturing exactly what he wants is easy to screw up.[145]
The movie they were reviewing was Sporkman Begins, based on the comics Sporkman (Dan obviously makes fun of Batman Begins here). The movie is a betrayal of the comic,[146] as it takes itself seriously but is unintentionally ridiculous whereas the comic is intentionally silly.[147] Susan ended up explaining that she's serious in real life and that's why she doesn't like seriousness in her entertainment. She also explained why she likes Star Trek.[148] Elliot liked her rant about Star Trek but Susan said that it's too personal for the review. They ended up deciding to watch Next Generation, with the question of if and how they finished the review left open.[149]
There Be Whales Here Pt 3[]
On June 30 Tedd activated his energy-storing gauntlet to see what he had sensed watching him. The gauntlet allowed Tedd to see a huge alien creature or "Whale" floating in his room, phasing through solid objects and walls.[150] Tedd attempted to communicate with them, but they weren't able to reply. The Whale shot a psychic beam at Tedd, who fell back.[151] At this point, time slowed down in such a way that Tedd's fall took multiple pages.
Compressed into less than one actual second of the fall, the Whale was able to talk to, or rather, think at Tedd. The Whale explained that they were of a species that "eat" abundances in ambient magic.[152] They explained that Moperville had long had more than the usual amount of magic in the air and that it was starting to get out of hand. The Whale also said that Tedd's watches wouldn't work outside of Moperville.[153] This abundance in magic also explained why energy buildups were harder to deal with and why magical artifacts were used with ease within Moperville. The Whale mentioned that creatures of Uryuom descent cannot use ambient magic (instead using innate magic), explaining why Grace could not use the watches either. The Whale warned that beings would inevitably be drawn towards Moperville if this continued.[154] During this conversation, an image of Tedd in female form is shown talking with the Whale with various fitting background images shown.[153] Lastly, Tedd asked whether she would ever get spells of her own, to which the Whale replied that she was a "far more dangerous rarity".[155]
At this point, the Whale cut off the conversation, causing Tedd to fall on the ground in his normal state, save for a bad headache.[155] Jeremy walked in.[156] Tedd decided to stand up against whatever might be coming at Moperville, so he and his friends could be heroes. However, a jump six months into the future reveals that nothing major happened for half a year.[157]
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- ↑ 20.0 20.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-04-27
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- ↑ 40.0 40.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-05-17
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- ↑ 56.0 56.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-06-20
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- ↑ 70.0 70.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-07-16
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- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-10-05
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-10-15
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-10-17
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-10-19 ; See also Enchantments#Effect on Seyunolus
- ↑ 114.0 114.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-10-22
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- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-10-26
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- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-11-02
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-11-12
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-11-14
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-11-16
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2005-12-14
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-11-19
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2009-09-15
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2009-11-24
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-11-21
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-11-23
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-11-26
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-11-28
- ↑ June 20, when Elliot and Susan meet Tedd, is the next day as mentioned in EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-12-10.
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-11-30
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-12-03
- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2012-12-07
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