
Charlotte and Diane argue whether Diane's chance to date Elliot or vampire hunting is more interesting. Diane says that Charlotte isn't interested in people.

Characters appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]


  • Diane's car


First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1 of which the one on the right is fairly narrow, three panels in row 2 of which the two on the right are narrow, two panels in row 3 (total: seven panels)


Charlotte You seriously care more about getting a date with some guy who already has a girlfriend than why you're a potential vampire hunter?
That's where your priorities are?
Diane One date is not married, and yes, I care more about the possibility of a meaningful relationship with another human being than some insane monster hunting fantasy!
Diane But of course you don't get that! You don't want to spend time with people! You spend all your time on forums talking about monsters and conspiracy theories!
Diane Have you ever been on a date?
Charlotte ...
Charlotte turns away from Diane.