
Elliot talks about his ride with Hedge.

Cast Appearing[]


  • Hedge's car


First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Landscape
  • Two rows: three panels in row 1 of which the middle one is narrow and the right one is fairly wide, three panels in row 2 (total: six panels)


Elliot's explanation continues...
Hedge, Elliot and Tedd sit in a car. Hedge hands Elliot a bottle labelled "WATER"
Elliot (voice-over of the panel described above) He seemed nice enough, actually... He didn't talk much at all, but he did seem to notice how tired Tedd and I were. He even gave us some food and water that he had.
Elliot (voice-over of Hedge looking at Elliot) He gave me this weird look a lot, but given my cat form I though it was understandable.
Elliot (voice-over of himself, still in his cat form) Once we actually reached Moperville, I started to sense that something weird was going on here at the school. I then had him drop us off a short distance from the school.
Elliot (voice-over of Hedge talking to Elliot while Elliot is on the way out of the car)
As we were getting out of the car, he stopped us. He wanted us to look at a picture of someone he was looking for, with the hope we had seen her.
I'll give you three guesses as to who he was looking for...
Elliot (voice-over of picture of Hedge patting Grace on her head)
The picture was of him and Grace a couple of years ago... He didn't seem all that bad in the picture, either...
Elliot (voice-over of another image of Hedge)
We still told him we hadn't seen you of course, Grace, once the initial shock wore off.
He didn't try to stop us from leaving, but he said if by chance we saw you to say that Hedge was looking for you.