
Ellen tries to pick an inappropriate speech topic, but then the teacher allows it.

Cast Appearing[]



First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Color


  • Landscape
  • Two rows: three panels in row 1, five panels in row 2 of which all but the rightmost one are narrow (total: eight panels)


A teacher with dark grey hair, wearing small glasses, is standing in front of a whiteboard and so is Ellen, still wearing a grey suit, a white shirt beneath it, and a red tie.
English Teacher Ellen, for this impromptu speech you are to list topics you'd care to discuss until I approve of one.
You will then discuss that topic for two minutes.
Ellen (thinking) Excellent! With each inappropriate topic I list, I'll get my double into more trouble!
Ellen My first choice is...PMS!!!
English Teacher (Regarding Ellen sardonically over her glasses) A bold choice... Alright, you have two minutes to discuss PMS in front of the class. Begin.
Ellen looks around nervously with wide eyes.
Ellen ...Hey, is that a demonic duck of some sort?!
Zoom and Ellen disappears.
Demonic Duck Everywhere I go, I get used as a distraction...