
Elliot convinces Principal Verrückt to support her plan.

Cast Appearing


First Mention or Appearance Of


Earlier, before first period...
Elliot ...So as you can see, It would really help me out if you could get the teachers to support my cover story and still give me credit for the work I do.
Principal Verrückt Hm... Well, normally I wouldn't believe such a story, but you are Tedd's best friend...
Principal Verrückt However, I may believe you, but I don't like the idea of instructing the teachers to lie to everyone like that. It may be difficult, but the best policy is honesty and I'm afraid you’re just going to have to deal with the awkwardness of the situation.
Elliot (thinking) I didn't want to do this...
Elliot Puh-lease get them to lie for me...???
Principal Verrückt ... W-well, I suppose dishonesty can be policy just this once...
Elliot Thank you so much!!!
Elliot (thinking) I feel so dirty...