
Tedd explains why his belt won't work and confirms that Elliot is attracted to guys.

Cast Appearing[]


  • Elliot and Ellen's room


First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Landscape
  • Two rows: three panels in row 1, three panels in row 2 (total: six panels)


Sarah Look, this is all very interesting, but why don't we just turn Elliot back to normal now?
Tedd The gun malfunctioned and will take a while to get fixed. He could be stuck like this for a month
Sarah A month?! Why don't you use your belt to turn him back to normal?
Tedd My belt can only return people to being human; it won't correct gender.
Elliot Ok, I know I have longer hair and super pheromones; anything else I should know about?
Tedd Well, theoretically you should be bisexual in this form.
Elliot What?! I am not attracted to guys! I mean, you're a guy and I'm not--
Tedd removes his glasses and he and Elliot look at each other, which makes Elliot blush.
Elliot (closing his eyes and hiding one eye with his hand)
Put the glasses back on, keep them on, and let us never speak of this again...