
Ellen is surprised that Arthur wants Tedd to study her. Arthur says that the core of the Dewitchery diamond is not wood but a scale from a large animal.

Characters appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]


  • An interrogation room


First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1, two panels in row 2, two panels in row 3 (total: six panels)


Ellen stands up.
Ellen Wait wait wait...
Elliot You're giving Tedd a lab?
Ashley I thought Tedd was a "he"? Not that... um...
Ellen Yes to those things, but more importantly, you want Tedd to figure out what's happened to me? Tedd?!
Elliot Tedd's good.
Ellen Tedd is good, but... Head of paranormal investigations right here! Experts! Passing this on to Tedd?!
Arthur After what's happened this evening, we can hardly claim to be experts anymore...
As clear as the cause was, I have no idea what exactly happened.
Even if you were to consent to being kept and studied in one of our labs, I believe Tedd is your best option for figuring it out.
Ellen ...Okay, when scary government labs are the alternative...
But seriously, you've got nothing?
Arthur We know Magus was wrong about the "diamond" being a "crystalline formation around a wooden core".
Ellen What was it a crystally formation around, then?
Arthur (sharing the panel with an image of the core on wood shavings)
What... appears to be a scale from a very large animal.
Nothing to jump to conclusions about.