
Elliot and Ellen talk about spellbooks and the magic change. Meanwhile, Grace tells Tedd that her clothes changed when she transformed.

Characters appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]


  • The Dunkels' house
  • The Verres' house


First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1, two panels in row 2, two panels in row 3 (total: six panels)


Elliot So, I guess... every spellbook's gonna be like this now?
It can't just be ours, right?
Ellen I guess? Nanase won't be happy. She liked figuring out the descriptions.
Elliot Spellbooks changing, old artifacts doing stuff, a wand that never worked... working...
For magic "not changing", a lot of stuff is changing.
Ellen Tedd would have magic-babble for this. Something like "It technically didn't change, but mixing in old stuff mixed it up".
Elliot And we'd nod and say "sure", yeah.
Ellen I wonder if anything else is different...
Tedd sits on a sofa with his new wand.
Grace (off-panel) Um, Tedd?
Tedd Yeah, Grace?
Grace (off-panel) You know how I like to go half-squirrel to loosen up my clothes before changing into my pajamas?
Grace is in her half-squirrel form and wearing her normal clothing fitting normally.
Grace They didn't loosen up tonight.
They changed size with me?