
Zeus tells Diane that immortal law forbids Pandora from killing the vampires herself. Adrian Raven kills a vampire.

Characters appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]


  • The mall


First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1, two panels in row 2, three panels in row 3 (total: seven panels)


Diane How could Raven not know if he had kids?!
Zeus You kidding? Human men who knew the risks have managed it! If I'm right, Raven's effectively ben an ignorant man stuck in his early twenties for multiple lifetimes!
Diane If you're right. How much of this is guesswork?
A monster with several big spikes on his head approaches Raven's dark cloud.
Zeus (off-panel) Educated guesswork. Based on how Pandora's acting, and how old she's gotta be to be that powerful.
Diane (off-panel) She's powerful?
The monster starts making fire in its mouth.
Zeus (off-panel) You've no idea. The only reason she hasn't killed the vamps herself is because immortal law forbids it.
Raven's sword cuts though the monster's head and the monster turns into a silhouette as flames engulf it. Raven is already moving away.
Zeus (off-panel) If she breaks it, we'll know what she did, why she did it, and energy from all of us will force her to reset.
Not even she's powerful enough to defend against an attack from every other immortal on Earth.
Diane You'd punish her for saving people?!
Zeus Hey, it's not about what we want to do! It's automatic! Older versions of us agreed on stupid laws, and that's how it is now! Don't blame me!
Diane Wait, is that why you've been waving your arms around without ever touching me? You can't physically stop me from going anywhere?
Zeus Uh...
Diane Lucky for you, I'm not going to do anything stupid to protect me, so I'm not going out there.
Zeus You're not?
...Just as I planned.