
Grace meets Sarah and Sarah drags her to the mall.

Cast Appearing


  • Tedd's House

First Mention or Appearance Of


Sarah So where is this girl “Grace”?
Elliot Well I believe at the moment Tedd is trying to drag her away from his computer….
Tedd C’mon Grace, Sarah needs to see you if she’s going to get you stuff!
Grace But… But I was about to trade in my cow far a sheep!
Tedd In that case, I’m doing you a huge favor!
Tedd (off screen) Here ya go.
Sarah You’re resorting to wearing Tedd’s clothes? This is an emergency!
Sarah Wait… the reason you need me to do this for you is because someone dangerous might see and recognize you?
Grace Um… Sorta…
Sarah Join me in the next room, Grace. I have an idea…
Tedd You see that?! Sarah wants to be alone with Grace! Man, I knew she was a lesbian!!!
Elliot Right… That would explain her wanting to go out with me.
Tedd She wants to go out with you?! Since when?!
Elliot Woah!
Sarah TA-DA!!!
Grace I look ridiculous.
Sarah Well, this look is just so you can go out without someone recognizing you!
Tedd Just think of it like normally you’re Superman and this is Clark Kent.
Elliot (thinking) She didn’t look ridiculous before?
Sarah And now that you’re disguised, to the mall!
Grace Noooo my villagers need me!!!