
Justin asks Grace if she is bored. Grace tells him that she can play with change blindness if she is bored and demonstrates it by making her breasts bigger without Justin noticing.

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  • Color


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1, three panels in row 2 of which the two on the left are fairly narrow, two panels in row 3 (total: seven panels)


Justin Hey, Grace.
Grace Helloooo, Justin. What's up?
Justin I'm going to put in a new movie. I can only watch Space balls so many times in a month.
Grace No. Stop. Rick Moranis is national treasure.
Justin Well, he is. You're not getting too bored back here, are you? People haven't been buying much tonight.
Grace Oh, I'm fine. There's plenty of stuff to look at in here, and if I'm really bored, I can always play around with change blindness.
Justin Play around with what?
Grace Basically, the phenomenon in which not seeing a change happen can keep a person from even noticing that anything has changed.
You could move around stuff in a room while no one's looking, and even people who are really familiar with that room might not notice until it's pointed out some way.
Assuming you don't change too much, anyway.
Justin Huh. I guess that explains why new haircuts often go unnoticed.
You're not saying you start rearranging the inventory, are you?
Grace's breasts are enlarged.
Grace Nope! I leave everything where it should be.
Justin Then how do you "play around" with change blindness?
Grace I have my ways.