
Justin tells Luke that he wants to talk to him about magic.

Characters appearing[]

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First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Color


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1 of which the left one is narrow and the right one is wide, three panels in row 2 of which the left two are narrow, two panels in row 3 (total: seven panels)


Luke W...what do you want to talk to me about?
Justin (whispering) I think you originally came here to talk to me about my fight with the fire dude.
Then I think you sensed something about Grace that spooked you, but you wanted answers enough to come back, and you've been trying to figure out how to carefully ask me about stuff all night.
I think you have questions because you got a magic mark out of nowhere one day, which is how you were able to sense something about Grace.
Luke Uh...
Justin (whispering) There are things I can't tell you without betraying other people's trust, but there's a lot I can tell you if you want me to.
Luke (whispering) ...Really? You'll just... tell me?
Justin (whispering) Anything I can without breaking promises, yeah. Way I see it, you deserve answers.
Luke (whispering) And this is just a friendly chat between me and you? Nobody's getting kicked into a river?
Justin (whispering) I swear on my honor as a fan of captain Picard.
Luke (whispering) I thought you said you liked Kirk.
Justin (whispering) I do, but I'm swearing to a peaceful discussion. Kirk would be for sleeping with green women or something.