
This page's question is if piercings and implants can be teleported away from their wearers. The answer is that piercings can only be removed by spells specifically designed to remove them and implants can't be removed. Lisa suggests that one could implant objects that give magic powers. While Amanda is answering the question Sarah tries to transform her back but is instead transformed herself.

Characters appearing[]

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  • Out of continuity

First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1, two panels in row 2, two panels in row 3 (total: six panels)


Question "Can magic that teleports away things worn by a person remove piercings and implants?
Diane is naked in front of a treasure chest.
Diane So... Wait, opening this chest triggered a disarming trap, but it put all my gear in this same chest?
It's like this dungeon doesn't want to be taken seriously.
Amanda First off, this question upsets me.
It made me contemplate things best not contemplated.
Sarah raises her hands behind Amanda and tries to do magic, shown by plus signs.
Sarah (thinking) Why is she still...?
Sarah tries harder to transform Amanda.
Amanda If such a spell is succesful (spell resistance extends to things worn), piercings can be affected, but only by spells designed to account for it.
With piercings, the overlap between person and object can protect from disarming, but not always.
Amanda remains a curvy catgirl and instead Sarah grows car ears, a bushy tail, wide hips, and breasts that don't fit within her shirt so that it opens to reveal her cleavage.
Amanda As for implants, magic says "nope". With piercings, it might work, but if something is inside of them and could be considered a part of them, the answer is nope.
This is EGS, darn it.
Sarah is surrounded by hearts and has hearts in her eyes as she looks down at her body.
Lisa So someone could create something that gives them all sorts of dangerous magical powers when implanted, and magic wouldn't be able to do anything about it?
Amanda Uh, well, others wouldn't be able to gust teleport it out of them, but there'd probably be other--
Lisa So you're saying I should definitely get an Iron Man-style magic crystal of power embedded in my chest?
Amanda No. Bad Lisa.