
This page's question is if Elliot's secret identity forms are bisexual. No conclusive answer is given but it is mentioned that the mild-mannered form is attracted to men and that the goth form is attracted to its own look. Lisa speculates that the party form pretends to be lesbian to put on a show and denies that this speculation is based on her own experience.

Characters appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]


First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1, two panels in row 2, two panels in row 3 (total: six panels)


Amanda "We know that usually when someone who is heterosexual switches sexes..." Is it weird that "usually" can be said in that sentence without irony?
"...They wind up bisexual relative to their new form. Is it different for Elliot's secret identity forms?"
Amanda (voice-over of panel with Elliot's mild-mannered disguise form and Justin) That's a good question. At the very least, mild-mannered Elliot seems more into men than "normal" Elliot is. She might not find women attractive.
Elliot (in panel described above) Want to join the "non-canon" club?
Amanda (voice-over of Elliot's goth disguise posing in front of a mirror) The "goth" form, meanwhile, is a bit ambiguous. Elliot claimed to like it, but admiring one's own hotness is not definitive evidence.
Elliot (in panel described above) Mind-warping or no mind-warping, I am way too sexy to be angsty!
Lisa (voice-over of panel with Elliot's party girl form arm in arm with Noah, and Lisa pouting behind them) And then there's the "party" form, who probably isn't a lesbian but acts like it to put on a show for the men, all the while giving the women she makes out with false hope before leaving with some guy!
Lisa is embarrassed when the camera shows her.
Lisa But, that, uh... That's just a theory and not at all based on something from my first year of college...