
Tedd mistakes Dan's sketchbook for the script for the upcoming stories. Elliot declares the end of the Q&A session. A shrunk Amanda sits in Dr Germahn's shirt pocket while Susan chases Dan on the beach.

Cast Appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]


  • Greyscale


  • Landscape
  • Two rows: three panels in row 1 of which the right one is much wider than the others, two panels in row 2 (total: five panels)


Tedd (holding a notebook) Holy crap! This script for the upcoming storylines is amazing It's like all of my twisted dreams come true!!!
Tedd This thing is overflowing with stuff! Makle to female, cat girls, mind alterations-- This is going to be awesome!!!
Sarah (holding book titled "SCRIPT Tam Et [Tedd]") Um, Tedd? This is the script for upcoming stories. What you're holding is just Dan's sketchbook.
Tedd Really? Aw crud... I suppose the several pages depicting you, Ellen, Grace, Nanase, and Susan having a slumber party in skimpy pajamas while drinking shrink sodas should've tipped me off...
Elliot is holding some sort of sword and wearing a headband.
Elliot Well, that's just about it for the second Q&A storyline! If you're wondering why I'm dressed like this, it's because I was sick of that hot suit, and it has been a long time since I was dressed like this. The sword serves no purpose, but what the hell. Anyway, thanks for putting up with this delay in the ongoing storyline, and we hope you at least got som laughs. We leave you now with this final glimpse of Dan's beach trip.
Amanda sits shrunk in a Dr. Germahn's pocket. In the background Susan is chasing Dan and throwing a water balloon at him.
Dr. Germahn What I fail to understand is, why did you even bring shrink soda to the beach?
Amanda Why do you care? My being small enough to fit in your sand castle really helped convince those judges to give you first prize!