
Susan thinks about what the cloaked figure said. She finds that the XP potions have become baby-themed to symbolize that they have become much weaker.

Cast Appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]


First Mention Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Low landscape
  • One row of four panels of which the first one is narrow, the second one is wider than the others and the third one is slightly wider than the fourth one


Susan holds her now oversized trousers with her hands.
Susan There's... something I can't remember... I said something about it just before they said "cheats off"...
Susan From what I can remember, it souned like they set the whole thing up somehow, but something went wrong.
They wanted Grace to be the protagonist, and, from the sound of it, learn things about her...
Susan And if the goal was to get to know Grace, rather than to challenge her...
I don't think I was "cheating" at all. I think they were making the game easier?
Susan looks at a baby's bottle.
Susan Which all the potions in the inventory suddenly being much weaker seems to support.
"Baby's first XP bottle."