
Pandoras Box [sic] is the nineteenth story arc in the main canon of EGS. It opened March 10, 2014 and ended Jul 1st 2016. With the exception of first storyline, it covers just two days - Friday and Saturday. Despite this short in-universe time span, the arc is currently the longest in the comic, clocking in at 393 pages.

Squirrel Prophet

On January 2 Tedd argued with his father about making magic public.[1][2]

On an unknown later night Grace dreamed about a history teacher at school scolding her for reading about history on the internet.[3] The dream changed to Grace having forgotten to wear clothes,[3] which caused the other students to laugh at her and the teacher to say that she doesn't belong anywhere.[4] A stranger appeared and mentioned the he had seen Grace having the same dream before.[5] The stranger said that he was a wizard and had an important message that he was trying to give for the third time.[6] He said that he was an emissary from magic itself[7], with a warning about the possibility that the magic system of EGS might radically change.[8] When Grace pointed out that it is hard to remember dreams she remembered the emissary visiting her dreams before.[9] The emissary tried to make Grace remember the dream using associations.[10] When she awoke, she, again, apparently didn't remember anything important. [11]

SP - Part 2

The second part started with images of magic marks.[12]

On the Friday of the week Elliot asked Ashley out Ellen was driving Grace to school and talked about the date.[13] They met Diane in school and she overheard it.[14] They also met Rhoda and Grace had a weird feeling about Rhoda's back almost reminding her of something...[15] and a bit later, the same feeling about Justin's back.[16]

After school, the story moved to Salty Crackers Comics. Justin and George were already there,[17] then Sarah, Grace and Tedd came... and Tedd had shorter and—more importantly—pink hair.[18] George made seemingly insightful comments on Tedd's psychological state and mentioned going through a similar phase, but denied ever having pink hair.[19]

The reason they came was a sealed tournament in Magickal Gatherings, the EGS universe equivalent of the Magic: The Gathering card game. There was a new expansion, featuring vampires and werewolves,[20] and Sarah wanted to build a fun theme deck,[21] which made Larry and Rich complain about fake geek girls. On the other hand, they both took an interest in the (properly geeky) "pink-haired chick",[22] aka Tedd. Grace wondered what she was feeling about Justin's and Rhoda's backs.[23]

A new guy, Luke, showed up and asked Justin about his fight with Dex' fire summon.[23][24] He used some sort of aura sight to confirm that Justin had a magical mark, and then noticed that Grace also had power.[24] He left quickly[25] He reported by phone that Grace had a different kind of power than most of those he knew (he compared her to a "Shadow Guy" with prehensile tendrils coming out of his head,[26]. Luke was ordered by his friend on the phone to return and participate in the tournament as a cover for further investigations,[27] which he did.[28]

Sarah drew an overpowered rare card that just happened to be a vampire (O.P. Aludrakrala),[29] and had a lengthy internal debate over deck creation choices (featuring vampire-Sarah and werewolf-Sarah).[30][31]. Pandora was watching her from the spirit plane.[32]

In the first round, Tedd encountered Larry,[33] who tried to hit on him—rather unsubtly, and clearly unable to take a hint.[34] Luke met Rich, whose use of slurs angered him enough that he abandoned the original plan of losing quickly—in order to spend the time getting to know Justin and Grace better—and instead trounced him soundly.[35] Sarah went up against George,[36] who gave her useful enough advice between the games[37] (the rounds were best two out of three) that she won one.[38] When Tedd complained to Grace about Larry[39] she told him that many men act that way to women.[40]

When Larry and Rich talked about the pink-haired girl (Tedd) after the first round they realized that they didn't know her name.[41] During the second round, Tedd faced Sam,[42] who commented on his name and suggested Tess as a female semi-equivalent, "just in case it does matter".[43] After winning his match, a confused Tedd talked it over with Grace, who explained concepts like transgender[44] and gender fluid[45] to him. Sarah played against Mr. Tensaided[46][47] and actually managed to win,[48] and Luke, who had gotten a bye,[49] geeked out with Justin over the Star Wars prequels.[50][51] Both Sarah and Grace were happy to notice the chemistry between them;[52] George, however, was less than enthused.[53] Luke, mistaking the cause for his grumpiness, decided to check out his aura "just in case" and gets blinded[54]—due to Tedd, who happened to stand right beside George at the time, a still invisible Pandora explained.[55] Tedd asked Grace why she knew about transgenderism and she didn't tell him that she was once puzzled that Sam, apparently a woman, had a beard.[56]

In the third round, Tedd's opponent was Rich, who was shocked that the one he saw as a woman was named Tedd[57] and uncertain whether Tedd were a hot girl he should hit on or a deceitful guy trying to trick him.[58] It didn't help that Tedd suddenly did turn into a girl,[59] due to an unconscious use of a magic mark Pandora had placed on him.[60] Sarah faced Larry, who tried the same routine on her as he had on Tedd in round one, but she gave him a stern talking-to, trying to make him change his ways.[61][62][63] When he didn't get it, however, she concentrated on the game[64] and eventually won—as did Tedd,[65] though luckily quicker.[66] Tensaided showed Larry a review show video with Sarah to prove her geek cred and chastised him for hitting on her.[67] Larry told Rich that he doubted their views on women but Rich defended those views.[68]

Grace talked to Justin, explaining him the concept of change blindness ... and also showing him how she plays with it by changing breast size and height, which Justing totally overlooked.[69] Grace told Justin that Luke was attracted to him but Justin at first didn't believe that since most people are supposed to be straight.[70] When Grace asked Justin what Luke thought about the "slave Leia" outfit from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Justin started believing that Luke might be gay.[71] He decided to wear an earring as a secret gay signal.[72]

Dex showed up and talked with Grace, who was manning the counter, and she got the same feeling from him as from Rhoda and Justin earlier.[73] This time, it triggered memories of her dream[74] and since she knew he had a magical mark she realized that it actually might point to something real,[75] such as that the immortal who appeared on the news (Pandora) had marked those who had appeared in her dream.[76]

Thus, when Grace learned that Tedd had changed sex without meaning to, she immediately thought of magical marks[77] and they slipped away to the back room to do a thorough search.[78] Eventually she found one on his head, under the hair.[79] They decided to do some experiments to find out if it really did what they thought it would.[80] Tedd managed to confirm had she had a transformation spell.[81] Tedd sent Grace out to do more experimentation alone[82] and during those experiments Tedd learned more about the "intuition" for magic he had thought he'd developed through extensive testing.[83] When he told Sarah he learned that this intuition was actually an rare ability to see and understand spells and enchantments.[84] Grace suggested that he is a wizard.[85] George overheard their discussion and asked about it, and Sarah tried rather unsuccessfully to convince him they were talking about the card game.[86]

Tedd tried to use this ability to verify whether Justin had a mark, as Grace's dream said he did, but by chance he happened to do this at the same time as Luke, standing close to the line of sight, used his ability on George to see if it was he who was the source of the blinding flash earlier.[87] Thus, while Tedd couldn't tell if Justin had a mark, he became "one hundred percent certain that guy can".[88] Sarah and Grace emphasized that Luke was not necessarily a bad guy since they were hoping for his relationship with Justin.[89] Sarah suggested that they ask Luke what he knew.[90] When the pairings of the final round were announced, Tedd was meeting Luke.[91] Rich and Larry realized that Tedd had transformed and concluded that Tedd was an alien but Larry would still want to date him. Luke overheard their conversation[92] and thought of the scary possibility that Tedd and Grace are both aliens and that it explains what he saw.[93]

SP - Final Battle

In the fourth and last round of the Magickal Gatherings tournament Luke played against Tedd[94] and they annoyed each other with their identical defensive playstyles.[95] They didn't realize that they used the same tactics until they were playing on overtime.[96] Their game ended with a draw.[97] Rich played against Larry and Rich was disgusted that Larry would date a sex-shifter since he considered that too gay.[98]

Sarah played against Sam, who went along with her story about defending a forest by saying that her vampires were the real threat to the forest.[99] When Sam summoned the powerful angel card Van Angelsting[100] their tactical positions became such that the first player to attack would have a disadvantage so they summoned more monsters instead.[101] Sam said that Sarah would lose by running out of cards first if they continued like that but Sarah had more cards than the minimum deck size since she couldn't decide what cards not to use.[102] Sam wanted to go out in a blaze of glory but Sarah offered a draw.[103] Sam, however insisted on conceding.[104]

Grace made a paper airplane with a message to Justin[105] about Tedd sensing Luke's magic-detecting ability.[106] Justin concluded that Luke went to the comicbook shop to learn about magic since Justin had fought alongside Cheerleadra.[107] Larry asked Justin what he thought about saying "that's gay" about things one dislikes[108] and Justin explained to him why that use of the word is offensive.[109] Luke overheard them mention that Justin was gay.[109]

After Sarah and Sam finished playing the card game Sarah suggested that they meet again.[110] Sam was surprised that she asked him to something that sounded like a date but they decided to do so.[111] Larry apologized to Sarah and Tedd for hitting on them.[112] After Larry learned that Sarah and Sam had a maybe-date[113] he had an internal debate on whether Sarah was a hypocrite but concluded that the date went to the better man.[114]

When Justin told Grace that he wanted to talk to Luke alone[115] she was worried if it was a good idea[116] and he agreed to keep some secrets from Luke.[117] Grace threw paper airplanes at Tedd and Sarah[118] to tell them about Justin's plans and they were worried too.[119] Justin told Luke that he wanted to talk to him after the shop closed[120] and what he had deduced about Luke.[121] Grace, Tedd and Sarah were startled by George and he asked them why they were so jumpy.[122] George frowned when he mentioned Justin and Luke[123] and Sarah concluded that George was attracted to Justin.[124] When Justin told Grace, Tedd and Sarah to leave to let him talk to Justin they decided to wait at a nearby fast food place.[124] After leaving the comicbook shop Grace realized that she had forgotten to ask if he had a magic mark.[125]

When Justin and Luke were alone in the shop Luke asked Justin about his magic mark and Justin thought he didn't have one.[126] Luke said that he could specifically detect magic marks and pointed out that Justin could fail to see a mark if it's on his back, like Luke's own mark. Justin took of his shirt to let Luke look for a magic mark on his back.[127] Luke saw that Justin didn't have a magic mark on his back. Pandora, who was hidden in the spiritual plane, commented that his mark was missing because she had already awakened him.[128] Luke asked where magic mark come from and are given by beings called immortals.[129] Justin deduced that Luke knew at least two people with magic marks and one magic user without a mark[130] based on what Luke knew about magic.[131] Luke confirmed that he knew people with magic marks. When Justin mentioned going to school Luke was surprised to that he was so young. Justin asked Luke out[132] and Luke said yes.[133]

At the fast food restaurant Tedd said to Grace and Sarah that they shouldn't tell his father anything that they learned this evening, at least not before talking to Catalina, Rhoda and Justin about their magic marks, and especially not about his own magic mark.[134] When Grace asked why they should keep his magic mark secret from his father he didn't tell them that it's because his father had expressed worry about Tedd being female too often.[135]

When Justin met Tedd, Grace and Sarah he told them that talking to Luke made him realize how little he knew about magic marks. Tedd told Justin about his mark.[136] Justin told the others that he had a date with Luke.[137] Luke reported to his friend that he had a date with Justin and they mentioned that they were interested in Cheerleadra.[138] Because Justin didn't have a magic mark Grace concluded that her dreams were just dreams but Sarah said that Rhoda probably had a mark, which would explain how the boar became big.[139] Pandora concluded that someone had told Grace about the marks in her dreams.[140]

The next morning Sarah found a magic mark on her back.[141]

So A Date At The Mall

The title of storyline is reference to NP story arc Not a Date at the Mall.

On the Saturday after Elliot meeting Ashley and the Magickal Gatherings tournament Elliot and Ashley had their first date. Ashley asked Liz what to wear for the date[142] and told her that the date would be at the mall since they couldn't decide anywhere else to go.[143] Liz told her to stay away from the book store.[144] Meanwhile Elliot asked Ellen for advice on dating.[145] Meanwhile a cloaked figure (Dame Tara) watched Good Tom while he complained about a movie and sensed a puppy in danger.[146] When Elliot arrived at Ashley's house Ashley was proud of her cute dress but had to wear a winter coat.[147]

Nanase and Ellen went to the date mentioned in Playing With Dolls. It was actually another "Charlotte's Angels" mystery solving, but both Nanase and Ellen[148] consider those date, even when taking Diane] with them - partially to help them, but Ellen might also wanted to keep her away from Elliot. They went to Charlotte (and Rhea's) place.[149][150] The mystery involved a "mysterious, cloaked figure" who asked young men for their names that Charlotte had concluded couldn't be human due to a picture of the figure that clearly demonstrated that it was not shaped like a human being.[151] Charlotte ordered the others to read articles about the cloaked figure, which Ellen found boring.[152] Ellen sent Elliot a text message about the cloaked figure.[153]

When Elliot and Ashley arrived at the mall Ashley, who wanted Elliot to see her dress, left her coat in the car and Elliot did the same.[154] Though both were hungry they almost didn't go to the food court first because both thought the other wasn't hungry.[155] At the food court Elliot first suggested a Japanese restaurant and a Chinese restaurant, which made Ashley angry.[156] Ashley explained that her reaction was because of the assumptions people often made about her because she looked Asian.[157]

Ashley told Elliot that she didn't know where her family came from except that they weren't from Japan, that she liked anime, that she liked reading books and would get into a zone while reading and that she played ballet and danced soccer.[158] She told him that she didn't know what she would do for a living and Elliot realized that he didn't either.[159] Ashley also told Elliot that she once had an internet girlfriend[159] with which she roleplayed about having transformation powers and that she liked transformation and was attracted to both men and women but she wouldn't call herself bisexual since she didn't like boiling anything down to labels.[160] She explained that labels can mean different things to different people[161] and that this can cause arguments between people who would otherwise agree.[162]

Ellen thought she couldn't help find a pattern in the obervations as the cloaked figure seemed better at hiding when she asked for names, as if there were two cloaked figures.[163] Charlotte, Nanase and Diane realized that this was a good hypothesis and decided to list the name-asking and non-name-asking observations separately.[164] When Charlotte had finished organizing the encounters she concluded that the less stealthy one had been seen in a smaller area than the stealthy one who asked for names and Diane and Nanase pointed out that the one who asked for names must be looking for someone.[165]

After they finished eating Elliot suggested to Ashley that they go to the book store but Ashley, who remembered that she would lose track of time while reading, wanted to go somewhere else.[166] Elliot wondered why she wanted to avoid the book store and asked if she had an inconvenient magical ability involving books. Ashley said that she didn't and asked if magic abilities like that are common.[167] When Elliot hesitated Ashley suggested going to a cookie place.[168] Elliot considered what secrets he could tell Ashley and was impressed that she seemed to respect his unwillingness to tell her.[169]

The shining man (Voltaire) who had asked one of the cloaked figures (Tara) to look for a man offered to give another clue.[170]

So A Date - Part 2

This part was originally not listed in the storyline dropdown.

Elliot told Ashley that he wanted to tell her about magic but was unsure what were his secrets to tell. She said that he shouldn't tell her any secrets[171] but admitted that she was curious. Elliot said that he could tell her about his own transformation spells without betraying anyone's trust[172] and told Ashley that he had to transform to avoid energy buildups and offered to let her watch him transform. Ashley told him that they could do it in the book store since she knew its security blind spots.[173] They noted that transforming in the book store was a bit mischievous but decided to do it anyway.[174]

Nanase showed her fairy doll spell to Charlotte and Diane and offered to show them her summoned double.[175] Charlotte told Nanase that the less stealthy cloaked figure would probably need somewhere with food, water and shelter. When Ellen mentioned downtown Moperville Nanase, Diane and Charlotte thought that would be a likely place.[176] They concluded that they couldn't do more and Diane suggested that Nanase play Mario Kart against her double.[177]

Elliot asked Ashley how she wanted his female form to look and she said that she preferred high contrast between before and after and asked for pink hair and her size or smaller. Elliot said that he would look like Ashley[178] since his thoughts would affect the result. Ashley suggested that saying "big boobs" would affect the result.[179] When Elliot transformed[180] Ashley was impressed by the result.[181]

One of the cloaked figures (Tara) ran past Rhea, Rick and Elijah thinking of the clues "Castle of commerce to the west", "With potential mate" and "German dark".[182]

Part 2 was originally intended to begin here.[183]

Ashley suggested that Elliot go to a clothing store to look at his current form in the dressing room mirrors.[184] While they walked to the clothing store Ashley asked Elliot if the female form felt weird and he said that it didn't and that being unrecognizable felt liberating.[185] Elliot tripped when he said that walking while transformed wasn't a problem unless he thought about it.[186] Ashley said that he shouldn't be embarrassed as no one other than her knew who he was and he declared himself embarrassment-proof but was then embarrassed because people were looking at him.[187]

When they were outside the clothing store Ashley said that she couldn't enter the dressing room but Elliot said that he wouldn't undress[188] and insisted that they enter the dressing room together. Elliot said that there was no reason for modesty since he was transformed[189] They looked for reasons not to undress and Ashley pointed out that they hadn't kissed yet so they kissed.[190] Elliot stopped since they were outside the dressing room and they entered the dressing room. Catalina and Rhoda left another dressing room after kissing and Catalina wondered if other lesbian couples kissed in the dressing rooms.[191] When Elliot and Ashley left their dressing room they were embarrassed by what they had just done.[192]

Nanase lost to Fox at Mario Kart and Charlotte and Diane said that they had explanations but would let each other say their explanation first.[193] They suggested that Fox had access to Nanase's muscle memory but better focus and knew what Nanase would do. When Nanase pointed out that they were playing Mario Kart Charlotte concluded that Nanase was just unlucky.[194]

So A Date - Part 3

Mr. Tensaided called Elliot's phone.[195] Elliot remembered when he showed himself as Cheerleadra to Tensaided during the summer.[196] When Tensaided asked how to contact Cheerleadra Elliot asked him to call Elliot and Tensaided promised to do so only for emergencies so Elliot realized that the phone call was important.[197] Tensaided told Elliot that a cloaked, apparently non-humanoid figure (Tara) had appeared at the mall asking for "Elliot German dark" (as Tensaided noted Elliot's last name Dunkel is the German word for "dark", which surprised Elliot).[198] Elliot asked Ashley to go somewhere safe, gave her his phone to call Ellen and transformed to Cheerleadra to try to talk with the cloaked figure.[199]

When Cheerleadra met the cloaked figure[200] she said "Where is my wife" and threw off her cloak, revealing her to be a griffin.[201] The griffin said that she had the word of an Ancient that Cheerleadra knew where her wife was.[202] Cheerleadra said that she didn't know where the griffin's wife was but Elliot had met another griffin (without confirming that she was Elliot) The griffin said that Ancients cannot lie.[203] The griffin said that her wife was asking for help investigating the energy clog and attacked Elliot.[204]When Elliot was fleeing from the griffin she realized that she couldn't fight while flying.[205][206]

Meanwhile, Ashley called Ellen[207] and told her about the griffin.[202] Ellen said that she had an idea of where to look for the griffin's wife and Ashley tried to tell Elliot but wasn't heard because of the crowd.[204] When Ashley tried to get closer a man in white (Voltaire) blocked her way and said that she couldn't save "the pawn of Chaos"[208] because the griffin was a knight from another world. Then he faded away.[209] Ashley realized that it was dangerous to distract Elliot and came up with a safer idea.[206] She kicked a soccer ball (that she had just bought from a store[210]) at the griffin[211] and told her that she had friends who had an idea of where the griffin knight's wife was.[212]

The griffin asked Ashley how she knew that she was a knight and Ashley answered that a magic man with pointy ears had told her. The griffin recognized the description as an Ancient and Elliot recognized it as an Immortal.[213] The Immortal appeared in front of them and warned the griffin, Dame Tara, that Ashley was Elliot's girlfriend.[214] Elliot accused the Immortal of lying and said that Immortals in this world were not forbidden from lying as far as he knew.[215] Tara became suspicious of the Immortal.[216] Helena, one of the Immortals watching Elliot, appeared and confirmed that Immortals can lie.[217] Helena's companion Demetrius appeared and said that Helena's intervention was unneccessary.[218] Tara apologized to Elliot and commanded the immortal in white to leave.[219] When the immortal left he said Elliot's name.[220] so that the bystanders heard it and Tensaided and Catalina concluded that Cheerleadra was the Elliot Dunkel they knew.[221]

Helena and Demetrius instructed Elliot, Ashley and Tara how to leave the mall. Elliot said that Ashey didn't have to follow him but Ashley wanted to and pointed out that she had been seen, Tara expected her to help and Elliot drove her to the mall.[222] Tara made a loud noise while flying out at the same time as Elliot and Ashley[223] so the bystanders didn't see Elliot and Ashley leaving. The news reporter Carol Brown arrived too late to see them leave[224] so she asked for interviews.[225]

When Elliot and Ashley arrived at the parking lot they weren't dressed for the cold.[226] Once they were in Elliot's car Elliot told Ashley that Helena had instructed them to meet Tara at an empty parking lot. Elliot's phone had twelve missed calls from Ellen,[227] who was angry that they hadn't answered before and told them she thought they might have died because Nanase's fairy doll spell failed when she tried to contact Elliot.[228] When Elliot said that he and Ashley were going to meet Tara Ellen insisted on meeting them to explain to Tara why she had an idea of where Tara's wife was.[229] Ellen wanted Charlotte and Diane to stay in their car while she and Nanase would meet Tara. Charlotte told Ellen, Diane and Nanase what she knew about the Tara encounter,[230] including that Elliot was Cheerleadra, which shocked Diane.[231]

So A Date - Part 4

Dame Tara met Elliot and Ashley on a parking lot.[232] When Ellen and Nanase joined them so did Charlotte and Diane even though Ellen wanted them to stay in the car.[233]

When Tara saw Nanase she was shocked[233] by the strength of Nanase's magical aura; Tara had never met humans as powerful as Nanase apart from the royal line that rules her world's human population, and was surprised to find that Nanase was not a member of a royal family herself.[234][235] Tara also listed other things that her aura vision relealed, including that Diane was a potential vampire hunter.[235] When Ashley expressed surprise at vampires existing Nanase said that she helped kill one once.[236]

Tara asked Nanase's group why they had an idea of where her wife was[236] and Charlotte explained what they had read and deduced about the griffins.[237] Tara noted that her wife, Andrea was apparently not held captive and wondered why she hadn't gone home.[238] Ashley suggested that Andrea had a bad sense of direction and Tara said that she had.[239] Tara said that Andrea would use a tall landmark and Charlotte said that there was a tall bell tower.[240] Tara said that she didn't need more help but Elliot wanted to see if Tara found her wife. When Elliot tried to say goodbye to Ashley since he had to fly she insisted on staying with them and so did Ellen, Charlotte, Nanase and Diane.[241] They decided that Ellen and Ashley would take Elliot's car and Nanase wanted to go with Diane and Charlotte to protect them but Diane was annoyed by her protectiveness and insisted that Nanase go with Ellen.[242]

Charlotte asked Elliot to turn into Cheerleadra in front of the others[242] and Elliot did so even though he was embarrassed to do it in front of strangers.[243] The resulting form was different from the usual Cheerleadra form, with a tight bodysuit and short hair.[244] Diane disliked the new Cheerleadra form's clothing.[245] Charlotte asked Elliot to change into the original Cheerleadra form to avoid giving the public evidence that Cheerleadra could transform but Ashley wanted to take pictures of the new Cheerleadra form first.[246] After they had been taking pictures for a while Nanase asked them to stop keeping Tara waiting.[247]

When the group was ready to go Nanase said that they should try to arrive at the same time. When Tara asked why she was worried Nanase let slip that she thought Diane was Susan's sister.[248]

So A Date - Part 5

Nanase dragged Ellen and Ashley to Ellen's car, hoping to catch up with Diane's car. Tara told Elliot that she was not from a separate universe but from "the first half of this one".[249] In Ellen's car Nanase asked Ashley if she had any questions and Ashley said that she wouldn't ask any since she thought she didn't have any right to ask questions of people she had just met.[250] They were cut off from Diane's car by a train. Nanase began worrying yet again, but was convinced to let it go by Ellen.[251]

In Diane's car Diane told Charlotte that she was unsure if she wanted to date Elliot since he thought the new Cheerleadra form's outfit was cool and she might not be able to compete with Ashley since she liked his transforming. Charlotte was more interested in learning that Diane was a potential vampire hunter but Diane wasn't interested and didn't believe it.[252] They argued whether they should be more interested in dating a man who already had a girlfriend or vampire hunting and Diane implied that that Charlotte was a freak.[253] Diane had an internal debate on whether to apologize.[254]

Meanwhile a spider-themed monster detected a "little baby hunter".[254] He attacked Diane when she and Charlotte had arrived.[255] Charlotte pushed the monster away from her.[256] The monster summoned knives.[257] In order to stall for time Diane asked the monster what he was and he explained that he was a vampire.[258] Suddenly Andrea attacked the vampire.[259] The vampire threw his knives at Andrea but missed and summoned new weapons.[260] Andrea disarmed the vampire.[261] The vampire said "To hell with low profiles" and summoned cartoon bombs.[262] Suddenly Tara killed the vampire[263] and sent the burning vampire and his bombs upwards[264] and the bombs exploded in the sky.[265] During the fight Diane went to check on Charlotte.[260][266] Diane expressed surprise at Charlotte saving her and Charlotte answered "Of course I did. You're my friend."[261]

When Ellen, Nanase and Ashley arrived Diane told them about the vampire.[267] Elliot told the group to leave because he thought the explosion would attract attention but everyone outside them mistook it for fireworks.[268]

Elliot and the griffins headed into the forest so that Andrea could explain the situation to the best of her understanding.[269][270] Ashley called Elliot with her cell-phone, and Elliot's Cheerleadra form received the call.[270] but resulted in Ashley being able to hear only Elliot on his end.[271] Ellen said that she wouldn't trust herself (or Elliot) to ask the right questions.[272] Nanase tried to cast her fairy-doll to attend the meeting with the griffins but she didn't succeed until Ashley suggested that Cheerleadra didn't count as Elliot for the spell.[273] Adrea was highly impressed by the fairy-doll spell.[274] Elliot and Ashley agreed to hang up the call due to the confusion caused by Ashley hearing only Elliot.[275]

When Nanase guessed that Andrea was investigating a magic energy clog Andrea explained that her world was the same world where they were and when Tara said that it's a different world for all intents and purposes Andrea objected for reasons that only she could understand.[276] She explained that every universe has two sides and that magic had stopped flowing back into her side at Moperville.[277] She didn't actually find anything new on this side, but she killed six vampires, not counting the aberration Tara finished off.[278] She also told the others that the Immortals who helped Tara and Elliot at the mall helped her hunt vampires.[279] She pointed out that the spider vampire implied that he was part of an organized group.[280] Andrea says that she has told Tara that Immortals on this side of the world can lie but she didn't pay attention that time.[281]

Elliot and Nanase offered to relay the information to people who could help - likely Tedd and Edward Verres - and the griffins agreed to contact them again at the same spot four weeks later.[282] Tara was sure she can find the spot again, but Elliot was not so sure he or Nanase could. Nanase pointed out that Elliot had demonstrated that his form had merged him with his cellphone, which had a GPS app. After a second of not being sure how to access the app in his current state, Elliot did so mentally.[283]

After the griffins left Nanase told Elliot that they had to tell Susan and Diane that they were sisters and Susan was adopted since Diane was at risk from vampires.[284] Elliot said that they shouldn't tell Susan that she was adopted with out confirming it and that they could ask Edward.[285] Nanase reluctantly agreed to ask him.[286]

Voltaire thought about his Plan CM.[287] The paranormal investigator Abner reported to Sirleck that Helena and Demetrius hunted vampires instead of watching Elliot.[288][289] Abner asked Voltaire, who provided him the information for Sirleck, what he was doing and said that he wouldn't help him more without knowing why. Voltaire said that he didn't need Abner to do more for him.[290]

While Elliot was flying to Charlotte's place, he realized how much he really liked the superhero form, including that it made him cute and sexy. Since he embraced it magic gave him another spell.[291]

Nanase told Diane that she and Susan had a magic affinity for summoned weapons, which are a weakness of vampires. Diane deduced that Nanase thought she and Susan were sisters and asked if Susan was adopted and Nanase answered that she didn't know.[292] Diane said that telling Susan that she was adopted was an important decision that shouldn't be made lightly.[293]

When Elliot arrived near Charlotte's apartment he considered entering as one of Cheerleadra's disguise forms but decided to change back to normal instead because the disguise forms had undesirable personalities.[294] When he met Ashley she was impressed by Nanase's fairy doll but Nanase was suspicious of Ashley.[295] At the apartment Nanase told Diane that Edward would know if Susan was adopted and possibly if Diane and Susan were related, Diane said that Charlotte wasn't a nerd and Elliot and Ashley kissed.[296]

Voltaire, impersonating Abner, told Sirleck that Adrian Raven was Helena's or Demetrius's son.[297] Sirleck investigated Raven[296] and planned an attack on him.[298]

EGSNP - Question Mark

See Question Mark, Question Mark Pt 2 and Question Mark Pt 3

Q&A 7 - The Requestioning

The titles Lisa proposed were:

  • "Answer harder" - "Die harder"
  • "The Questioning" - "The Quickening"
  • "Requestionance" - "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance"

The questions answered by Amanda and Lisa are:

  • Please recap how magic works[299]
  • Diane has changed a lot over time. Is there a reason for this?
  • Isn't making color comics just as easy as making greyscale comics?
  • What pronouns do Dan prefer?
  • What is the maximum range of Ellen's zaping powers, and can her beams bounce off mirrors?[300]
  • How common is transformation magic?
  • Can Grace's shapeshifting and / or the TF gun make someone heal faster?
  • Was El Goonish Shive always supposed to be so weird?
  • Is Grace any more predisposed to polyamory due to her uryom heritage?
  • Could Grace awaken and learn magic?[301]
  • What book series has Dan read?
  • Why hasn't (insert thing set up in Squirrel Prophet here) happened yet?
  • Which EGS:NP storylines are certain to be canon?
  • Greg is a super strong anime martial arts master cool guy, but has he awakened?
  • Where the heck do the spell books come from, and how do they work?[302]
  • Who is the muffin man?


  1. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-10
  2. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-11
  3. 3.0 3.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-12
  4. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-13
  5. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-14
  6. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-18
  7. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-19
  8. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-20
  9. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-24
  10. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-25
  11. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-26
  12. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-31
  13. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-01
  14. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-02
  15. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-07
  16. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-11
  17. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-15
  18. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-16
  19. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-23
  20. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-24
  21. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-28
  22. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-29
  23. 23.0 23.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-04-30
  24. 24.0 24.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-05-01
  25. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-05-02
  26. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-05-05
  27. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-05-06
  28. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-05-07
  29. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-05-16
  30. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-05-19
  31. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-05-26
  32. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-05-27
  33. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-05-29
  34. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-05
  35. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-02
  36. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-03
  37. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-04
  38. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-12
  39. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-09
  40. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-10
  41. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-13
  42. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-17
  43. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-26
  44. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-30
  45. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-01
  46. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-18
  47. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-24
  48. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-03
  49. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-16
  50. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-23
  51. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-06-27
  52. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-09
  53. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-10
  54. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-11
  55. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-14
  56. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-15
  57. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-17
  58. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-18
  59. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-21
  60. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-22
  61. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-23
  62. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-04
  63. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-05
  64. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-06
  65. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-15
  66. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-18
  67. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-05
  68. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-16
  69. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-24
  70. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-28
  71. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-30
  72. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-07-31
  73. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-08
  74. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-11
  75. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-12
  76. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-13
  77. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-20
  78. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-22
  79. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-25
  80. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-26
  81. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-08-27
  82. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-01
  83. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-03
  84. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-09
  85. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-10
  86. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-12
  87. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-25
  88. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-26
  89. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-09-29
  90. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-10-01
  91. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-10-06
  92. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-10-09
  93. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-10-10
  94. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-10-14
  95. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-10-23
  96. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-18
  97. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-26
  98. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-10-16
  99. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-10-20
  100. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-10-27
  101. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-10-29
  102. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-13
  103. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-14
  104. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-17
  105. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-04
  106. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-05
  107. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-06
  108. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-10
  109. 109.0 109.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-11
  110. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-19
  111. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-20
  112. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-04
  113. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-09
  114. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-10
  115. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-21
  116. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-24
  117. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-11-25
  118. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-15
  119. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-16
  120. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-17
  121. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-18
  122. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-19
  123. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-29
  124. 124.0 124.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-30
  125. EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-12-31
  126. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-02
  127. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-05
  128. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-07
  129. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-08
  130. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-09
  131. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-12
  132. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-19
  133. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-22
  134. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-14
  135. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-16
  136. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-01-29
  137. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-02-04
  138. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-02-06
  139. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-02-09
  140. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-02-11
  141. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-02-13
  142. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-02
  143. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-04
  144. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-06
  145. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-09
  146. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-11
  147. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-13
  148. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-09
  149. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-20
  150. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-30
  151. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-02
  152. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-03
  153. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-10
  154. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-23
  155. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-03-27
  156. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-06
  157. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-08
  158. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-15
  159. 159.0 159.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-17
  160. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-20
  161. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-23
  162. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-27
  163. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-04-29
  164. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-01
  165. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-13
  166. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-04
  167. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-06
  168. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-08
  169. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-11
  170. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-15
  171. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-18
  172. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-22
  173. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-25
  174. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-27
  175. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-08
  176. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-10
  177. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-12
  178. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-15
  179. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-17
  180. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-19
  181. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-22
  182. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-24
  183. Commentary of EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-24
  184. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-26
  185. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-06-29
  186. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-01
  187. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-03
  188. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-06
  189. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-08
  190. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-10
  191. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-13
  192. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-22
  193. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-15
  194. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-17
  195. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-24
  196. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-07-27
  197. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-08-07
  198. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-08-10
  199. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-08-12
  200. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-08-27
  201. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-08-28
  202. 202.0 202.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-08-31
  203. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-03
  204. 204.0 204.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-04
  205. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-11
  206. 206.0 206.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-14
  207. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-08-24
  208. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-07
  209. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-09
  210. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-16
  211. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-18
  212. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-21
  213. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-23
  214. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-25
  215. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-09-28
  216. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-01
  217. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-02
  218. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-05
  219. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-07
  220. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-09
  221. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-12
  222. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-15
  223. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-19
  224. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-22
  225. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-23
  226. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-26
  227. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-10-29
  228. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-02
  229. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-04
  230. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-06
  231. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-09
  232. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-11
  233. 233.0 233.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-13
  234. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-16
  235. 235.0 235.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-18
  236. 236.0 236.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-20
  237. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-23
  238. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-25
  239. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-11-30
  240. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-02
  241. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-04
  242. 242.0 242.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-07
  243. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-09
  244. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-11
  245. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-14
  246. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-16
  247. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-18
  248. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-21
  249. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-28
  250. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-12-30
  251. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-01-04
  252. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-01-06
  253. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-01-08
  254. 254.0 254.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-01-11
  255. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-01-15
  256. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-01-18
  257. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-01-22
  258. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-01-25
  259. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-01-27
  260. 260.0 260.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-01-29
  261. 261.0 261.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-02-05
  262. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-02-08
  263. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-02-10
  264. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-02-12
  265. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-02-15
  266. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-02-03
  267. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-02-19
  268. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-02-22
  269. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-02-24
  270. 270.0 270.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-01
  271. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-03
  272. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-08
  273. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-09
  274. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-11
  275. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-14
  276. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-16
  277. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-18
  278. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-21
  279. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-23
  280. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-25
  281. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-03-30
  282. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-01
  283. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-04
  284. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-06
  285. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-08
  286. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-11
  287. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-13
  288. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-15
  289. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-18
  290. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-20
  291. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-25
  292. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-04-27
  293. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-05-03
  294. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-05-09
  295. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-05-11
  296. 296.0 296.1 EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-05-13
  297. EGS Main Story Comic for 2015-05-06
  298. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-05-16
  299. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-05-25
  300. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-06-03
  301. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-06-17
  302. EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-06-29