
Tedd and Grace say they will go to the restrooms. Tedd tries to dissuade Grace and when that fails he tells her in Uryuomoco to change back in the restroom.

Cast Appearing[]


  • The movie theater



  • Greyscale


  • Landscape
  • Two rows: three panels in row 1, three panels in row 2 (total: six panels)


Sarah, Elliot, Grace and Tedd are in the foyer of the movie theater (Grace is still in Tedd's form and Tedd is still in the Claire form). Duck and Bill can be seen behind them.
Sarah So, you guys getting popcorn?
Tedd In a minute-- First, I think I should hit the ladies room.
Grace Good idea. I'll be in the men's room.
Tedd (thinking) Eep!
In the background there is a poster of a dragon holding a cocktail glass and surrounded by drunkenness bubbles, and also a corridor where a woman is looking at another poster.
Tedd Uh... Ya know... Now that I think about it, we got here kinda late, and I don't wanna make us late for the movie, what with getting popcorn, and previews being so brief, I think I'll just go later if I need to...
Elliot (to Sarah) Brief previews? You can tell she doesn't go to movies...
Sarah Hush.
Grace You might as well, seeing as I gotta go anyway...
Tedd But... Ah... Um...
Tedd Seumto vusp gonkelulyuri quoyuro acot cho locgleen*!
Elliot (thinking) Za?
Grace I don't see why, but OK, Claire...
*Change back temporarily while using the restroom