
Elliot arrives at the ASMA Dojo. Nanase and Justin complain about never meeting Ellen and Elliot suggests that they invite Ellen for a night out.

Cast Appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]




  • Greyscale


  • Landscape
  • Two rows: three panels in row 1, two panels in row 2 (total: five panels)


Elliot Hey.
Nanase Hello Elliot. Is Ellen with you?
Elliot Sorry, no. I just can't seem to convince her to come to class with me.
(Nanase) *pout*
Justin I wish she'd come to class. She's going to be starting to go to Moperville South with us really soon, and Nanase and I haven't seen her since that day we fought the Goo. It's going to be pretty awkward seeing her at school at this rate.
Elliot Yeah, I know... Well, I may not be able to get her to come here, but what if you three were to do something this Friday? She'd probably be up for that idea, and I'll be out of the house with Sarah, Tedd, and Grace
Nanase That could work. What are you and the others doing?
Elliot Just going to some movie. Believe it or not, Grace has never been to a movie theater.
Elliot I guess I'll have Ellen call you or Justin if she's interested in doing anything Friday?
Nanase No need: I'll ask her about it right now.
Nanase closes her eyes and begins to glow