
George again asks Justin about Cheerleadra. Justin says that that he won't betray Cheerleadra's trust. George says that he doesn't want personal information about Cheerleadra but wants to know everything else that Justin knows about magic.

Characters appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]



First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: three panels in row 1 of which two are vertically stacked to the left, three panels in row 2 of which two are vertically stacked to the right and the left one is slighly wider than those, two panels in row 3 (total: eight panels)


Dex (shown in close-up) It is now four PM.
Justin Um, thanks, Dex?
Dex You're welcome.
George So, have you thought about what we talked about?
Justin I have.
George And?
Justin I don't know what you think I know, but even if I did know more about Cheerleadra, you'd be asking me to betray someone's trust.
I will never do that.
George silently considers his words.
George You know what? You're right.
George Cheerleadra's personal information isn't any of my business. Unless she goes rogue or something, it doesn't matter.
Justin I'm glad you see it that way.
George The rest of it, however, is everyone's business.
Justin What business is whose now?