
Justin asks Nanase if she was grounded for being away from home. Nanase answers that she was forgiven because she was at Tedd's house, as she is Tedd's math tutor.



Cast Appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]

First appearances or mentions[]


  • Greyscale
  • Black and white (panel 1)


  • Landscape
  • Two rows: three panels in row 1, three panels in row 2 (total: six panels)


Nanase pictures six images of Ellen, including one of her as a mermaid, one making the face from panel 4 of Night Out Part 3 - Ellen's Crew: Comic for Thursday, Jun 19, 2003 and raising her fist as a paw, one crying, and one in FV5 form.
Justin (off-panel) So, just how many centuries are you grounded for?
Nanase What?
Justin You were away from home for two nights without prior notice. Surely you got in trouble for that?
Nanase Actually, all I got was a "brief" lecture about checking in. I was even allowed to go to a bookstore yesterday afternoon.
Justin How is that possible? Isn't your mom, you know, strict?
Nanase It varies. So long as I do well academically, I get to spend my time as I please, especially if my activities are "scholarly".
Justin Is spending the night at your cousin's house "scholarly"?
Nanase It is when I'm his "math tutor".