
Ellen vents to Nanase.


  • The Verres family's house


Cast Appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]

First appearances or mentions[]


  • Greyscale


  • Landscape
  • Two rows: three panels in row 1, three panels in row 2 (total: six panels)


Nanase Ellen? Is something wrong? What're you doing in here all alone? The party's out there.
Ellen ...I know.
Nanase So... why are you in here?
Ellen It's nothing. I'm just blowing off steam, and I'd rather not blow it at any of you.
Nanase You don't... look steamy. Um... not in any bad way, anyway...
Ellen *snicker*
Nanase Eh, see? I made you laugh! You can't be in that bad a mood if I made you laugh!
Ellen I'm coming down from it. I was just annoyed at Sarah
Nanase Sarah? What'd she do?
Ellen (going into an exaggerated parody of Sarah) "Oh, the horror! I was stuck in some other form for, like, a whole day! I'm so traumatized that I have to bitch about it, even though Ellen, someone who is basically a copy of my boyfriend turned into a girl forever, is standing right next to me!"
Ellen (calming down again) ...Yeah, sorry. See, that's why I'm in here...