
Goonmanji 2 - Part 5 is the forty-second storyline chapter in EGS:NP. It started with EGS:NP Comic for 2018-03-23 and ended with EGS:NP Comic for 2018-04-27. It shows Susan, Catalina, Rhoda and Ashley choosing forms to be in for their transformation rampage after playing Hanma's board game.


Hanma explained that spells from the wand that Catalina won as a prize for winning the board game will turn the target female since they were designed for an all-women playtest.[1]

Ashley asked how the genie form works outside the game outside the game and Hanma confirmed that it allows people to request the genie to transform them, so Ashley enthusiastically chose that form. Ashley also asked if they would ask the people they transformed for permission and Rhoda and Catalina told her that people can't even appear in non-canon transformation stories without consenting to be transformed.[2] When Ashley was transformed she was somewhat embarrassed by the revealing outfit of the genie form. Rhoda asked Catalina to make her tall. Catalina couldn't decide what form to choose for herself at first.[3]

When Susan considered what form to choose for herself she thought of what she liked about the cow, honey badger and pet kitty forms but dismissed them because of their drawbacks.[4] She told the others that she would like a form that would make her comfortable with physical contact without the physical changes of some of the forms from the game and Hanma told her that it was possible[5] as the wand could separate different effects of the forms. She told Susan that the lifeguard form has the mental effect that she wanted[6] and explained why. She also mentioned that the lifeguard form would make people comfortable with being seen in skimpy clothing, which Susan considered another advantage[7] because of the warm weather.[8] After Susan was changed she took off her shirt[9] and found that she still didn't want to be in her underwear but wouldn't be bothered by equally skimpy clothing that isn't underwear.[10] Rhoda offered to transform Susan's clothes and demonstrated it by making Catalina's shirt skimpier.[11] Then Catalina made Rhoda's clothes more revealing, Rhoda made Catalina more busty and long-haired, and they started a playful tickle fight.[12] The comic cut away to the demonic duck, who was watching Detective Conan, because tickle fights are hard to draw.[13] After Rhoda transformed Susan's clothes, Catalina transformed into a catgirl.[14]

Then Hanma thanked the playtesters and left to follow Greg and watch anime.[15]

