
Sarah tells Elliot why she wanted to break up with him and that she was putting it off because of the holidays.

Characters appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]


  • The Dunkel family's house


First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: three panels in row 1 of which the left one is narrower than the middle one, three panels in row 2 of which the left and middle ones are narrow, two panels in row 3 of which the left one is narrower than the right one (total: eight panels)


Elliot You were already going to break up with me...?
Sarah I realized I was happier with our relationship when we were just friends, it didn't seem like there was much actual romance between us, which I guess makes sense now...
Sarah I put off going through with it because I didn't want you to associate the holidays with breaking up.
And possibly because I have a tendency to procrastinate.
Elliot ...
Elliot (lifting his finger and opening his mouth slightly angrily) ...
Elliot Yeugh... I want to be upset, but... I wasn't very romantic, and this would've gone worse if you'd broken up with me before today. And I'm already breaking up with you.
Sarah Our emotions have their own set of logic. It's okay for you to be upset with me. A lot of guys would be flipping out right now.
Elliot I guess I'm really not a bad guy.
Sarah Who the hell thought you were a bad guy?
Elliot Me.
Sarah Well, you're a dummy.