The Emissary of Magic is an unnamed wizard serving as an emissary of the Will of Magic in Grace's dreams. Given that he is nameless aside from his role, he has been nicknamed Disco Wizard by EGS readers.
He first appeared on EGS Main Story Comic for 2014-03-14, although that was already third time trying to contact Grace ... remembering stuff from dreams is hard.[1]
His message was mainly about the possibility of Magic Change[2] and of Pandora Raven possibly causing it. However, in an attempt to help her remember it[3], he included the information that Dex, Justin, Rhoda and Catalina were marked, where and with what spell.[4]
While Grace remembered the dream, the real reason she was contacted wasn't recalled so she wasn't able to do anything with that information. Pandora Raven was watching her talking about it[5] and went to visit her dream herself,[6] meeting Disco Wizard there. After he failed to scare her away[7] and got an example of what it was like to talk to someone who can guess what you are going to say,[8] he explained the magic reset to her, which reminded her of the last reset.[9] Then Pandora admitted the events which threatened to cause the reset was her fault and promised to fix that.[10]
Also, Pandora told him about how forced reset of immortals work, while he told her about Dame Tara's attack on Elliot.[11]
Later the emissary visited Grace's dream again[12] to explain some things that magic had failed to explain to the seers:[13] magic used to assist with complicated spells and when it stopped doing so as part of the magic change, the effect was delayed.[14] He also told her that uryuoms used to be restricted from magic and that uryuom are not from space.[15]
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- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2016-08-17
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- ↑ EGS Main Story Comic for 2021-05-24