EGSNP Q&A - Wrong Answers Only is the fifty-first storyline in EGS:NP. It started with the EGS:NP Comic for 2021-02-09 and ended with the EGS:NP Comic for 2021-05-01.
It shows Luke, George, Rhea and Larry answering questions, like in the Q&A storylines, but the answers are silly rather than right.
Dan announced that Luke, George, Rhea and Larry would answer reader questions and acknowledged that they didn't know the answers.[1]
The first question was about Diane's biological mother. George answered that he is a time traveler who is every mysterious parent of every character who has a mysterious parent.[2]
The second question was about Tedd being in a female form during the card game tournament in Squirrel Prophet. Larry answered that Tedd wanted to make nerdy men blush and will flirt increasingly blatantly in the future.[3]
The third question was about the creepy girl who showed up on TV (Pandora, in Sister II#Pandora's Box). Rhea answered that children get supernatural powers when they wear old-fashioned outfits.[4]
The fourth question was whether Grace, Sarah and Tedd are in a polyamorous relationship. George answered that all of that friend group are dating but in a chaste way. When Luke asked him why he did't simply answer "yes", George said that he wasn't sure that "yes" would be a wrong answer.[5]
The fifth question was whether Jay would like the pony form from Rhoda's dream in the end of Parable. Larry thought the question was referring to a centaur form.[6]
The sixth question was about Rhoda's size magic. Rhea answered that Rhoda's size and proportions change depending on her mood.[7]
The seventh question was whether Lucy is a warrior princess. Luke's answer had her as a damsel in distress in a parody of Super Mario Bros, with Rhoda kidnapping her and Diane rescuing her.[8]
The eighth question was about dialogue rendered with pictures instead of words. George said in pictures that it is easy to write and there can be no confusion.[9]
The ninth question was whether Larry is bisexual. He answered that he is only attracted to feminine men but he likes the thought of men changing into female forms. Rhea reminded him that they were supposed to give wrong answers and Larry said that he is gay.[10]
The tenth question was about Cheerleadra. Rhea answered that she is a dorky woman named Varia Delmtina who becomes an extroverted cheerleader to fight crime but can only cheer at the crime.[11] Luke objected that Cheerleadra fights monsters, not crime, and doesn't go looking for them. When Rhea insisted that they should give wrong answers he said that Cheerleadra is a male cheerleader.[12]
Next question was about dragons. George answered that dinosaurs were dragons.[13]
Next question was whether George is gay or bisexual. Larry answered that he is asexual and married to his video game system.[14]
Next question was "Is magic power sexy?" Rhea answered that people can subconsciously sense if others have magic and are more attracted to people with magic. Dan nervously denied that the answer was correct.[15]
Next question was about one character who appeared in the previous strip, as some readers had failed to recognize her as Diane. George answered that she was Susan, transformed by a genie to look like Diane.[16]
Next question was whether transformation happens literally at the drop of a hat. Larry said it does, dropped a hat and changed into a dark-haired female form.[17]
Next question was about cat forms being stronger. Rhea answered that they make it possible to sleep longer and become more rested. She became a catgirl herself.[18]
Next question was why an immortal (Pandora) was giving people magic. Luke answered that the immortal was empowering superheroes to fight crime. He changed into a muscular and broad-shouldered superhero.[19]
Next question was about Ellen's copy spell. George said that it makes her look evil. He changed into a female form similar to Larry's.[20]
Then Dan, who had become very voluptuous or fat, asked the others if they were dropping hats.[21]
Next question was whether gender transformations affect who one finds attractive. Larry looked at Luke and then said that they don't but described what he was denying in enough detail to make it clear that he meant the opposite of what he was saying.[22]
Then Dan dropped a hat, which changed her into a human form with hair similar to Grace and changed the others back to normal.[23]
Next question was whether Cheerleadra or Nanase's angel form is more powerful. Rhea, who was in awe about the angel form, thought "Cheerleadra" was the wrong answer.[24]
Next question was whether Diane is an elf. Luke answered that she is a Christmas elf and Mr. Tensaided is Santa Claus.[25]
Next question was whether Elliot's cat form is stronger than Cheerleadra. George answered that the cat form is just a house cat.[26]
Next question was what was happening. The question made Luke nervous as he realized that something important was happening in the main story.[27]
Next question was whether a magic user's "chest measurements" are proportional to their magic power. Rhea said yes and added "And this applies to everyone" and showed an image of a male wizard with big pectoral muscles.[28] In response to readers being sad (which didn't reflect the actual readers' reactions) Dan defended the joke and showed an image of a female wizard with enormous breasts.[29]
Then Luke complained about the wrong answers and insisted that the group try to give real answers.[30]
Luke was given the question "Is the sky blue?" and, after hesitating, answered "Sometimes".[31]
Larry was asked where uryuoms come from. He had no idea but hesitatingly answered "France" and a buzzing alarm was heard in response.[32]
Rhea was given a question about herself, which made her nervous. Among other things, she suspiciously specifically denied hiding her insecurities with jokes and alcohol.[33]
George interrupted his question to answer "Aliens". The actual question was about immortals.[34]
Then Luke suggested that they wrap it up. When Larry mentioned nerds, Rhea objected that the men are better than nerds.[35] Then the group said their goodbyes.[36]
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-02-09
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-02-11
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-02-13
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-02-16
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-02-18
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-02-21
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-02-23
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-02-25
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-02-27
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-02
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-04
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-06
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-09
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-11
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-13
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-16
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-18
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-20
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-23
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-25
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-27
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-03-30
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-01
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-03
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-06
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-08
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-10
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-13
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-15
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-17
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-20
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-22
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-24
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-27
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-04-29
- ↑ EGS:NP Comic for 2021-05-01