
Ellen asks Grace what she talked about with Raven. Grace says that she promised not to tell anyone. Ellen points out that Raven probably assumes that she knows what Grace knows about him.

Characters appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]



First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1, two panels in row 2 of which the left one is narrower than the right one, three panels in row 3 of which the middle one is narrow and the left one is also narrower than the right one (total: seven panels)


LATER STILL that morning...
Ellen So what did Raven want? Did you temporarily memorize too much too quickly again or something?
Grace I'm sorry. I promised not to tell anyone.
Ellen Seriously? What could you have possily talked about with Raven that you had to keep it secret?
Grace Nothing bad! I promise I'll tell you as soon as it's not breaking the first promise.
Ellen Grace...
Grace Ellen, please trust me on this? I already feel bad about being sneaky earlier and I'm trying to stick to goodness as much as possible going forward.
Ellen Being "sneaky"?
Grace I's possible it was related. Don't worry, though. We didn't talk about anything having to do with you.
Ellen Okay, Grace. I'll trust you, but if he knows that you knows "about" him, he's likely going to assume that I know, too. You know that, right?
Grace ...
Grace I'm having a conflict of goodness...
Ellen I can't help you with that unless I know more.
Grace Goodness... conflicted...!