
Narration reveals that most magic users notice that magic has changed or learn it from each other, except those marked by Pandora.

Characters appearing[]

Other characters mentioned[]


Many places


First Mention or Appearance Of[]


  • Greyscale
  • Silhouettes on white background, mostly text (panel 3)
  • Silhouette on a starry background (panel 5)


  • Portrait
  • Three rows: two panels in row 1, two panels in row 2, two panels in row 3 (total: six panels)


Experimentation had to wait, for, it was, after all, Tuesday, and Tuesday makes fools of us all.
Fools or not, however, by Tuesday's end, nearly all magic users were aware of some spells behaving differently.
Tedd still sits on his chair and Elliot still sits on the sofa. Grace, who lies on the sofa with her head next to Elliot, points while talking.
(over an image of Rhoda, seen from behind, with a book)
This did not include those marked by Pandora.
EWith one exception, they did not notice any differences in their spells.
She who did was already an exception, for none of the others came close to her power...
...and she had a book of her own to check.
(over four silhouettes of people, two with books and two looking confused)
Most people who used magic, however, knew other people who knew magic. Nearly everyone who used magic had learned how from another person.
An immortyaöl rampantly giving isolated individuals magic marks without their knowledge was, to put it mildly, an anomaly.
Though how to use magic wasn't common knowledge, there was strong word of mouth among magic users.
(over image of Amanda talking and gesturing in front of a billboard with strings, along with Dr. Germahn seen from behind)
Many hypotheses were thought of that were similar to Tedd's.
There were also many hypotheses that were complete nonsense, or this is humanity we're talking about.
No human, however, knew for certain what was happening, or why.
(over a silhouette of the emissary of magic)
No human, that was, except a man who didn't know that he knew, or that there was such a thing to know about.
A man with no memory of the bargain he'd struck, or of his hidden services to the world, except when he needed those memories.
(over Grace sleeping in her bed)
And at the very start of wednesday, he would share it with another...